How to Remove Rust Stains From Clothes, Carpet, and Upholstery

Get old, dried rust stains out of fabrics using household items.

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 10 - 30 mins
  • Total Time: 3 - 12 hrs
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $0 to 20

Rust stains can be concerning because they are challenging to remove from fabric. Not only does a regular wash cycle not always eliminate them, but did you know that using chlorine bleach can actually make rust stains permanent? While they are tricky, you can definitely learn how to remove rust stains by opting for some DIY ingredients like salt, baking soda, and lemon, or by trying a commercial rust remover. Just make sure to use a knife to scrape away any visible rust first, never put a stain in the dryer until it's removed, and wear gloves when removing rust stains.

To get started, read on to learn how to remove rust stains on fabric.

Ways to Remove Rust Stains From Clothes Ways to Remove Rust Stains From Clothes

The Spruce / Alison Czinkota

Stain type Mineral-based
Detergent type Heavy-duty laundry detergent and stain remover
Wash temperature Varies by fabric
Cycle type Varies by fabric


If your stained garment is labeled as dry clean only, remove excess rust, but do not rub the stain. Visit your dry cleaner immediately and identify the stain.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Cloth (optional)
  • Gloves


  • Table salt
  • Lemon juice
  • Cream of tartar
  • Baking soda
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Commercial stain remover


ingredients for removing rust stains ingredients for removing rust stains
The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska

How to Remove Rust Stains From Clothes

  1. Apply Salt and Lemon Juice

    You should have no problems with white or ecru-colored fabrics, but for darker-colored fabrics that may not be colorfast, test the lemon juice first on a seam or inconspicuous spot to see if fading or bleaching occurs. 

    • Sprinkle salt on the rust stain.
    • Squeeze fresh lemon juice onto the salt.
    • Spread the garment in the sun to dry. The ultraviolet rays of the sun will help speed the reaction.
    salt and lemon juice salt and lemon juice
    The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska 
  2. Apply a Stain-Removing Paste

    This is an alternative to the salt/lemon method.

    • Make a paste by combining 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar (it's acidic, similar to lemon juice and vinegar), 1 teaspoon baking soda, and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.
    • Apply the paste to the stain and allow it to work for 30 minutes.
    • Rinse the fabric thoroughly.


    Try distilled white vinegar to remove light rust stains, as well. The acid, combined with salt or baking soda, will react with the rust to make it more water-soluble.

    paste for rust remoal paste for rust remoal
    The Spruce
  3. Apply Rust Remover

    As another alternative, apply a commercial rust remover to white and colorfast fabrics. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully; many removers are highly toxic and can burn skin and damage appliance finishes. Apply the remover, let it sit for a few seconds, and rinse thoroughly.

    using a rust stain remover using a rust stain remover
    The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska
  4. Wash as Usual

    putting the garment into the washer putting the garment into the washer
    The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska 

How to Remove Rust Stains From Carpet and Upholstery

To remove rust stains on carpet and upholstery, you need a butter knife, white cloth, vacuum, bowl, and gloves, as well as liquid dishsoap, and ammonia.

  1. Scape off loose rust. Use a butter knife to scrape away and loosen any visible rust from the carpet or fabric fibers. Then, use a vacuum to remove loose particles and lift the fibers.
  2. Mix a cleaner and apply. Mix 2 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid and 1 tablespoon of household ammonia with 2 cups of warm water in a small bowl. Dip a clean white cloth into the solution and saturate the stained area. Be careful not to make any upholstery too wet.
  3. Let sit, then blot clean. Let the solution sit for at least five minutes, then use another clean cloth to blot the stain. Continue moving to a clean section of the cloth as you blot.
  4. Rinse with plain water. Blot with a cloth dipped in plain water to rinse away the soapy residue and let the carpet or upholstery dry.

Alternatively, you can remove the stain with a solution of baking soda and lemon juice. Make a thick paste of 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the paste to any remaining stain. Let the mixture sit for at least two hours or until it is dry, then vacuum the baking soda.

Additional Tips for Removing Rust Stains

  • For tough stains, repeat the stain removal process until it's gone.
  • Track down the source of the rest stain. It couId be coming from the corroded metal furniture, locks, walls, or cars.
  • If the rust problem comes from iron bacteria, there are ways to treat the water. Replace rusty pipes and water heaters as soon as possible, and repair chipped enamel in a washer or dryer with appliance repair paint.
  • How do you remove old, dried rust stains from fabric?

    Use salt or baking soda with another agent, like lemon juice, to remove old, dried rust stains from fabric. The salt or baking soda acts as a mild abrasive while other more acidic ingredients dissolve the rust coloration.

  • Does vinegar really remove rust?

    Vinegar helps remove rust from tools, surfaces, and even from clothing and other fabrics. White vinegar is a weak acid that reacts with an old, oxidized rust stain to make it more water-soluble.

  • What is the most effective rust stain remover?

    Commercial rust stain removal products are your best bet for getting out excessively tough rust stains on clothing.