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november 10, 1969

On a special inner city street, the inhabitants—human and muppet—teach preschoolers basic educational and social concepts using comedy, cartoons, games, and songs.

november 26, 2010

Teenage superheroes strive to prove themselves as members of the Justice League.

julij 9, 2020

A surreal take on transitioning from 20-something to 30-something centering on a married couple juggling such everyday challenges as parenthood, friendship, ham theft, stripper clowns and choosing the right day care.

november 21, 2016

A dark comedy about four self-absorbed twenty-somethings who become entangled in an ominous mystery when a former college acquaintance suddenly disappears.

julij 7, 2018

Oscar and Hedgehog are dropped off at a strange summer camp, full of fantastical things ranging from magical camp counselors to sticky notes that are portals to other dimensions.

oktober 12, 2018

A team of young superheroes led by Nightwing (formerly Batman's first Robin) form to combat evil and other perils.

november 29, 2019

Harley Quinn has finally broken things off once and for all with the Joker and attempts to make it on her own as the criminal Queenpin of Gotham City.

Zgodba je postavljena na izmišljeno univerzo Essex, kjer spremljamo štiri brucke - Belo, Leighton, Kimberly in Whitney. Skupaj živijo v kampusu in krenejo v novo poglavje življenja, kar pomeni, da počasi morajo zapustiti varnost srednje šole in krajev, iz katerih prihajajo ter najti svojo identiteto v novem okolju. Vsaka od njih mora zdaj krmariti po svetu, ki ga zaznamujejo sodobni ljubezenski odnosi ter univerzitetno kulturo, zelo svojstveno v tem času. To pomeni več načinov izstopanja iz cone udobja – tako na dnevni ravni, ki vključuje dejstvo, da niso več v družbenem okolju na katerega so vajene, kot tudi na na spolni ravni...

avgust 18, 2018

Monster-sitters Esme and Roy use the power of play to help younger monsters through familiar situations, including trying new foods and feeling scared during loud thunderstorms. Little viewers will discover positive role models, and learn how to manage their emotions with simple mindfulness practices.

januar 13, 2022

Mirovnik je tako predan svojemu boju za mir, da je pripravljen za to pobiti čisto vse, ki bi to lahko ogrozili. Seveda gre pri tem brez težav čez vse meje. Takšna je pač, po njegovem skromnem mnenju, cena miru. Zgodba se nadaljuje od tam, kjer se je v filmu The Suicide Squad (2021) končala. Potem ko si opomore od srečanja s Bloodsportom, se Mirovnik vrne domov. A doma odkrije le to, da ima njegova svoboda svojo ceno.

marec 18, 2022

After her nationwide study suggests that sex is the highway to health, Anette and her three lifelong friends begin to question how to keep their own sex lives from being sidelined by careers, kids, partners, and the realities of life.

september 3, 2020

After Earth is ravaged by a great religious war, an atheistic android architect sends two of his creations, Mother and Father, to start a peaceful, godless colony on the planet Kepler-22b. Their treacherous task is jeopardized by the arrival of the Mithraic, a deeply devout religious order of surviving humans.

julij 29, 2021

Welcome to Jellystone! Travel to a magical town where you’ll meet new and old friends, including Yogi Bear, Cindy Bear, Boo Boo, and Huckleberry Hound…and Jabberjaw and Top Cat and Snagglepuss and El Kabong and Wally Gator and Johnny Quest and Hadji and Shag Rugg and Captain Caveman and a whole lot more.

januar 26, 2019

Fifty years in the future, an oppressive authoritarian force threatens to conquer the world. A daring team is recruited to pilot a new form of weaponized neuroscience that powers devastating mecha, but they must be willing to sacrifice everything to save the world.

Vsak od članov Patrulje prekletih je doživel grozljivo nesrečo, zaradi katere je pridobil nadčloveške sposobnosti, brazgotine in izmaličenost. Travmatizirana in potlačena ekipa je našla smisel v Poglavarju, ki jih je združil, da bi raziskali najbolj nenavadne pojave - in zaščitili Zemljo pred tem, kar so našli.

maj 27, 2020

A series of short form cartoons starring the iconic and beloved Looney Tunes characters. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig and other marquee Looney Tunes characters are featured in their classic pairings in simple, gag-driven and visually vibrant stories.

avgust 20, 2020

Seth, a young Fungie, wants to share his love of science with friends – but his search for adventure often stirs up trouble in prehistoric Fungietown, leading to hilarious and heartwarming surprises.

maj 13, 2021

Explore a dark mentorship that forms between Deborah Vance, a legendary Las Vegas comedian, and an entitled, outcast 25-year-old.

Skoraj deset let po tem, ko je spletna stran "Opravljivka" utihnila, se nov rod mladostnikov z zasebne šole na Upper East Sidu sooča z neprizanesljivo in spremenljivo resničnostjo nenehnega družbenega nadzora.

Zgodba o legendarnem butlerju Brucea Wayna, Alfredu Pennyworthu, nekdanjem britanskem vojaku SAS, ki v 60. letih prejšnjega stoletja v Londonu ustanovi varnostno podjetje in začne delati z mladim milijarderjem Thomasom Waynom in njegovo ženo Martho, preden ta postaneta starša Brucea Wayna.

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