斯蒂芬·科尔伯特将他标志性的讽刺和喜剧带到了《斯蒂芬·科尔伯特深夜秀》中,这是一档排名第一的深夜节目。在节目中,他与各种各样的嘉宾谈论政治、娱乐、商业、音乐、科技等领域的新闻和热点话题。该节目由乐队指挥乔恩·巴蒂斯特(Jon Batiste)和他的乐队“留下的人”(Stay Human)伴奏,这档获得艾美奖提名的节目在著名的埃德·沙利文剧院播出。斯蒂芬·科尔伯特、克里斯·利赫特(Chris Licht)、汤姆·珀塞尔(Tom Purcell)和乔恩·斯图尔特(Jon Stewart)担任执行制片人。巴里·朱利安(Barry Julien)和丹尼斯·雷里格(Denise Rehrig)担任联合执行制片人。
The rivalries, romances, hopes and fears of the residents of the fictional Midwestern metropolis, Genoa City. The lives and loves of a wide variety of characters mingle through the generations, dominated by the Newman, Abbott, Baldwin and Winters families.
The sparkling notes of a trumpet fanfare and the familiar logo of the sun alert viewers that it's time for CBS's Sunday morning staple. Journalist Jane Pauley helms the show, taking over hosting duties from Charles Osgood, who spent 22 years on the job. A morning talk show, this program airs at a different pace and focuses much of its attention on the performing arts. After a quick update of the day's news and national weather, correspondents offer longer-length segments on a variety of topics, from architecture to ballet to music to pop culture to politics.
In a leafy Maryland suburb just outside of Washington D.C. is one the most affluent African American counties in the United States. Here, you’ll find a posh gated community with winding tree-lined streets and luxurious mansions to call home. At the center are the Duprees, a powerful and prestigious multi-generational family, the very definition of Black royalty. But behind these pristine walls and lush, manicured gardens are juicy secrets and scandals waiting to be uncovered. And those that live outside these gates are watching closely. These are the places where our characters live, love, work and play. Those who have 'made it' and those who haven’t are all trying to navigate life... and some with more grace than others
Continuing drama combining romance and intrigue set against the glittering backdrop of Beverly Hills and the American fashion industry.
《大卫·莱特曼深夜秀》(Late Show with David Letterman)是美国CBS电视台的一档夜间脱口秀节目,由大卫·莱特曼主持。该节目于1993年8月30日首次播出,由莱特曼的制作公司Worldwide Pants Incorporated和CBS电视制作工作室联合制作。节目中的音乐总监及现场乐队——CBS交响乐团的领队是保罗·沙佛。首席编剧为马特·罗伯茨,播音员为艾伦·卡尔特。在美国各大主流深夜节目中,《大卫·莱特曼深夜秀》在累积平均观众数方面排名第二,播出集数方面位列第三。2009年,该节目的广告收入高达2.71亿美元,在同类节目中居首。
2002年,《大卫·莱特曼深夜秀》被《电视指南》(TV Guide)评为“有史以来最伟大的50个电视节目”中的第七名。根据与Worldwide Pants签订的合同,CBS已将该节目的播出合约延续至2014年;届时,大卫·莱特曼将超越约翰尼·卡森,成为任职时间最长的深夜脱口秀主持人。
"Come on down!" The Price Is Right features a wide variety of games and contests with the same basic challenge: Guess the prices of everyday (or not-quite-everyday) retail items.
Celebrated comedian Taylor Tomlinson hosts the smartest show on television about the dumbest things on the internet alongside a panel of guests from the worlds of entertainment, comedy, music and beyond.
《克雷格·费格森深夜秀》是由苏格兰裔美国喜剧演员克雷格·费格森主持的一档美国深夜脱口秀节目,他是《深夜秀》系列节目的第三任常规主持人。该节目紧随大卫·莱特曼主持的《深夜秀》之后,在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)的深夜节目表中播出,于美国工作日的凌晨12:37开播。节目在美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的CBS电视城现场录制,且拥有现场观众,录制时间为每周一至周五,地点就在鲍勃·巴克工作室楼上。该节目由大卫·莱特曼的制作公司Worldwide Pants Incorporated以及CBS电视工作室联合制作。
Merv Griffin邀请了一系列演员、女演员、作家和导演,讨论他们所做的工作以及围绕众多项目的当前文化、艺术和娱乐。
NCIS(海军犯罪调查机构)是一部关于一支特工小组的动作剧集,这支小组隶属五角大楼的特别部门,肩负着调查任何有一丝证据证明与海军及海军陆战队人员有关的犯罪,且不论其级别或职位的高低。领导这支小组并独立于海军指挥系统的是NCIS特工Leroy Jethro Gibbs,这名经验丰富的调查员与审问员是个机智、强硬并且为了完成任务愿意打破常规的人。直接受Gibbs领导的是Anthony DiNozzo特工,作为一名前重案组探员,其出色的本能来自于大量的调查经验。之后加入他们俩的是Kate Todd,一个美丽而又坚强的前特勤处特工,曾与Gibbs短兵相接。还有从事技术分析工作的Abby Sciuto,是一名天才科学家,她那黑色幽默与哥特风格的装扮相得益彰。新加入小队的是Timothy McGee,麻省理工学院(MIT,剧中经常会提到)的毕业生,他对电脑的精通使他在Gibbs率领的小组中成为一名见习特工。在小组背后默默支持的是法医Donald \"Ducky\" Mallard,他见多识广。从谋杀、间谍活动到恐怖活动、盗窃潜艇,这些特工们为了调查所有与海军及海军陆战队相关的犯罪活动,足迹遍布全世界。
A panel tries to determine a contestant's secret: something that is unusual, amazing, embarrassing, or humorous about that person.
Audience members dress up in outlandish costumes to get host Wayne Brady's attention in an attempt to make deals for trips, prizes, cars or cash, while trying to avoid the dreaded Zonks.
The Secret Storm is a soap opera which ran on CBS from February 1, 1954 to February 8, 1974. The series was created by Roy Winsor, who also created the long-running soap operas Search for Tomorrow and Love of Life. Gloria Monty of General Hospital fame was a longtime director of the series. Like most CBS Soap Operas of the time such as The Guiding Light and As the World Turns The Secret Storm was filmed, and later taped, in New York at the CBS Broadcast Center on West 52 Street.
Four panelists must determine guests' occupations - and, in the case of famous guests, while blindfolded, their identity - by asking only "yes" or "no" questions.
Steve McGarrett侦探(Alex O'Loughlin扮演)曾经是一位获得过荣誉勋章的海军军官,退役后当上了警察。为了调查父亲的谋杀案,他返回了家乡瓦胡岛(夏威夷群岛的主岛)。夏威夷州长认为Steve是个难得的人才,执意挽留他在岛上工作。她想让Steve组建一支专门负责调查重案的精英团队--规矩由他来定,她在幕后提供支援。这支命名为「Five-0」(50)的团队不走过场,不玩花样,只要能抓住岛上最大的匪帮首领,他们就算是把天弄塌了也没事。
Steve很爽快地答应了这位女州长的要求并开始「招兵买马」。第一个加盟「50」重案组的是Danny Williams侦探(Scott Caan扮演),人们都管他叫「Danno」。他以前在新泽西警察局工作,最近才被转调到夏威夷警察局。他喜欢高楼林立的都市生活,对阳光、沙滩和延绵不断的海岸线没有多少兴趣。不过,为了让8岁的小女儿有个健康的成长环境,他发誓要保护这座小岛的安全。
随后加盟的是Chin Ho Kelly(Daniel Dae Kim扮演)。他以前在檀香山(夏威夷首府)警察局当警探,因为错误的腐败指控被贬到联邦安全巡逻队当巡防员。他曾经是McGarrett父亲的门徒。
Chin的表妹Kono(Grace Park扮演)在夏威夷土生土长,坚强好胜,性格有点像假小子。她刚刚从警察学校毕业,渴望在工作岗位上证明自己的能力,于是主动要求加盟「50」重案组。
A bald, lollipop sucking police detective with a fiery righteous attitude battles crime in New York City.
CBS电影改篇剧《反恐特警队 S.W.A.T.》改篇自2003年同名电影(那电影其实又改篇自1975年的同名剧集),《反恐特警队》由Sony Pictures TV与CBS TV Studios合作制片,执行制片包括Shawn Ryan﹑Neal H. Morit z﹑ 林诣彬﹑Aaron Rahsaan Thomas。
《反恐特警队》由Aaron Rahsaan Thomas编剧﹑林诣彬执导,剧集指会是紧张﹑动作十足的程序剧,讲述一位黑人特警组警督Daniel ‘Hondo’ Harrelson,得分开自己对街头的忠诚及对自己同僚的责任感下,管理一支训练有素,但又被遗弃的新部队,而他们将成为洛杉矶对付罪犯的最后防线。