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6 Séries

After the party of heroes defeated the Demon King, they restored peace to the land and returned to lives of solitude. Generations pass, and the elven mage Frieren comes face to face with humanity’s mortality. She takes on a new apprentice and promises to fulfill old friends’ dying wishes. Can an elven mind make peace with the nature of life and death? Frieren embarks on her quest to find out.

Por toda a sua vida, Izuku sonhou ser um heroi, um objetivo ambicioso para qualquer um, mas especialmente desafiador para um garoto sem superpoderes. Isso mesmo: em um mundo onde 80% da população tem algum tipo de Dom especial, Izuku teve a má sorte de nascer completamente normal. Mas isso não vai impedi-lo de se matricular em uma das academias de herois mais prestigiosas do mundo.

Mikami Satoru, funcionário de uma megacorporação, é apunhalado por um assassino nas ruas e renasce num mundo paralelo... Mas ele renasce como um slime!

Jogado neste novo mundo com o nome Rimuru, ele assume a missão de criar um mundo que seja acolhedor para todas as raças.

The year is 1863, with the story being based in Kyoto. We follow a youth named Nio who is an honest and kind soul who's considerate of his family, yet he also has a hidden burning passion for seeking justice. From the time he came across Toshizou Hijikata and Souji Okita, members from a group of hated ronin known as the Miburo, his life then takes a turn to a bluer, and clearer path. Nio, alongside the other men whose hearts burn bravely and true, step forth towards an honest path with their blue wills adorned on their hearts!

Magical girls: strong, cool, the ultimate dream job. College student Kana Sakuragi is job hunting - without much luck! One day, she is caught up in an attack by a "Kaii." Fiesty magical girl Hitomi Koshigaya flies to the rescue, and Kana uses her excellent memory to help her take it down. Hired as a magical girl by Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc., Kana takes her first step into the working world!

High-school student Amate Yuzuriha lives peacefully in a space colony floating in outer space. But when she meets a war refugee named Nyaan, Amate is drawn into the illegal mobile suit dueling sport known as Clan Battle.

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