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v. sniffed, sniff·ing, sniffs
a. To inhale a short, audible breath through the nose, as in smelling something.
b. To sniffle.
2. To use the sense of smell, as in savoring or investigating: sniffed at the jar to see what it held.
3. To regard something in a contemptuous or dismissive manner: The critics sniffed at the adaptation of the novel to film.
4. Informal To pry; snoop: The reporters came sniffing around for more details.
1. To inhale forcibly through the nose: sniffed the cool morning air.
2. To smell, as in savoring or investigating: sniffed the lilacs; sniffed the breeze for traces of smoke.
3. To perceive or detect by or as if by sniffing: dogs that sniffed out the trail through the snow; sniffed trouble ahead.
4. To utter in a contemptuous or haughty manner: The countess sniffed her disapproval.
1. An instance or the sound of sniffing.
2. Something sniffed or perceived by or as if by sniffing; a whiff: a sniff of perfume; a sniff of scandal.

[Middle English sniffen, probably of Scandinavian origin.]

sniff′a·ble adj.
sniff′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Physiology) to inhale through the nose, usually in short rapid audible inspirations, as for the purpose of identifying a scent, for clearing a congested nasal passage, or for taking a drug or intoxicating fumes
2. (when: intr, often foll by at) to perceive or attempt to perceive (a smell) by inhaling through the nose
3. (Physiology) the act or sound of sniffing
4. a smell perceived by sniffing, esp a faint scent
[C14: probably related to snivelen to snivel]
ˈsniffing n, adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. to draw air through the nose in short, audible inhalations.
2. to clear the nose by so doing; sniffle.
3. to smell by short inhalations.
4. to show disdain, contempt, etc., by or as if by sniffing.
5. to inhale through the nose.
6. to smell by sniffing.
7. to perceive by or as if by sniffing: to sniff a scandal.
8. an act of sniffing.
9. the sound made by such an act.
10. a barely perceptible scent or odor.
[1300–50; Middle English]
sniff′er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: sniffed
Gerund: sniffing

I sniff
you sniff
he/she/it sniffs
we sniff
you sniff
they sniff
I sniffed
you sniffed
he/she/it sniffed
we sniffed
you sniffed
they sniffed
Present Continuous
I am sniffing
you are sniffing
he/she/it is sniffing
we are sniffing
you are sniffing
they are sniffing
Present Perfect
I have sniffed
you have sniffed
he/she/it has sniffed
we have sniffed
you have sniffed
they have sniffed
Past Continuous
I was sniffing
you were sniffing
he/she/it was sniffing
we were sniffing
you were sniffing
they were sniffing
Past Perfect
I had sniffed
you had sniffed
he/she/it had sniffed
we had sniffed
you had sniffed
they had sniffed
I will sniff
you will sniff
he/she/it will sniff
we will sniff
you will sniff
they will sniff
Future Perfect
I will have sniffed
you will have sniffed
he/she/it will have sniffed
we will have sniffed
you will have sniffed
they will have sniffed
Future Continuous
I will be sniffing
you will be sniffing
he/she/it will be sniffing
we will be sniffing
you will be sniffing
they will be sniffing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been sniffing
you have been sniffing
he/she/it has been sniffing
we have been sniffing
you have been sniffing
they have been sniffing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been sniffing
you will have been sniffing
he/she/it will have been sniffing
we will have been sniffing
you will have been sniffing
they will have been sniffing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been sniffing
you had been sniffing
he/she/it had been sniffing
we had been sniffing
you had been sniffing
they had been sniffing
I would sniff
you would sniff
he/she/it would sniff
we would sniff
you would sniff
they would sniff
Past Conditional
I would have sniffed
you would have sniffed
he/she/it would have sniffed
we would have sniffed
you would have sniffed
they would have sniffed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.sniff - sensing an odor by inhaling through the nosesniff - sensing an odor by inhaling through the nose
smelling, smell - the act of perceiving the odor of something
Verb1.sniff - perceive by inhaling through the nose; "sniff the perfume"
smell - inhale the odor of; perceive by the olfactory sense
nose out, scent out, smell out, sniff out - recognize or detect by or as if by smelling; "He can smell out trouble"
2.sniff - inhale audibly through the nose; "the sick student was sniffling in the back row"
breathe in, inhale, inspire - draw in (air); "Inhale deeply"; "inhale the fresh mountain air"; "The patient has trouble inspiring"; "The lung cancer patient cannot inspire air very well"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. breathe in, inhale, snuffle, snuff She wiped her face and sniffed loudly.
2. smell, nose, breathe in, scent, get a whiff of, catch the scent of, detect the smell of Suddenly, he stopped and sniffed the air.
3. inhale, breathe in, suck in, draw in He'd been sniffing glue.
1. snuffle, intake of breath, quick inhalation At last the sobs ceased, to be replaced by sniffs.
2. hint, clue, inkling, sign, wind, suggestion, whiff, intimation Have the Press got a sniff of this story yet?
not to be sniffed at considerable, great, large, substantial, reasonable, tidy, lavish, plentiful, tolerable, appreciable, sizable or sizeable The salary was not to be sniffed at either.
sniff around nose around, hunt around, see what you can find, search for clues Pop down there and just sniff around.
sniff something out
1. find, discover, spot, recognize, detect, scent, track down those who like sniffing out bargains
2. discover, find, reveal, spot, expose, recognize, disclose, scent, uncover, track down, unmask a police dog trained to sniff out explosives
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


To perceive with the olfactory sense:
Idiom: catch a whiff of.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
نَشْق، تَشَمُّميَتَشَمَّميَشْتِمُّيَنْشُق
čenicháníčichatočichatpopotáhnout nosempopotahovat
sjúga upp í nefiîsnus; nefsogsnusa
코를 킁킁거리다
burnunu çekmekburnunu çekerek koklamaburnunu çekerek koklamak


A. N
1. (= act) → sorbo m (por la nariz); (by dog) → husmeo m
one sniff of that would kill youuna inhalación de eso te mataría
to go out for a sniff of airsalir a tomar el fresco
we never got a sniff of the vodkano llegamos siquiera a oler el vodka
2. (= faint smell) → olorcito m
B. VT [+ snuff etc] → sorber (por la nariz), aspirar; [+ smell] → oler; [dog etc] → olfatear, husmear
just sniff these flowershuele un poco estas flores
the dog sniffed my handel perro me olfateó or me husmeó la mano
you can sniff the sea air hereaquí se huele ese aire de mar
sniff the gas deeplyaspire profundamente el gas
to sniff glueesnifar or inhalar pegamento
C. VI [person] → aspirar por la nariz, sorber, sorberse la nariz; [dog etc] → oler, husmear, olfatear
stop sniffing!¡deja de sorberte la nariz!
to sniff at sth (lit) → oler algo (fig) → despreciar algo, desdeñar algo
an offer not to be sniffed atuna oferta que no es de despreciar or desdeñar
the dog sniffed at my shoesel perro olió mis zapatos
sniff out VT + ADV (= discover) → encontrar husmeando; (= pry) → fisgar, fisgonear (fig) (= dig out) → desenterrar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= sniffing sound) → reniflement m
to give a sniff → renifler
(to identify smell) to give sth a sniff → renifler qch
Stop sniffing! → Arrête de renifler!
(= smell) → renifler, flairer
The dog sniffed my hand → Le chien m'a flairé la main.
(= inhale) [+ glue, drug] → sniffer, respirer
sniff at
vt fus
it's not to be sniffed at → il ne faut pas cracher dessus, ce n'est pas à dédaignersniffer dog [ˈsnɪfər] n chien dressé pour la recherche d'explosifs et de stupéfiants
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nSchniefen nt no pl (inf); (disdainful) → Naserümpfen nt no pl; (of dog)Schnüffeln nt no pl; we never even got a sniff of the moneywir haben das Geld noch nicht mal von Weitem zu sehen bekommen; have a sniff at thisriech mal hieran; at the first sniff of danger, he backed outsobald er Gefahr witterte, zog er sich zurück
vt (= test by smelling)riechen, schnuppern an (+dat) (inf); airriechen, schnuppern; smelling saltseinziehen; glueeinatmen, schnüffeln (inf); drugssniffen (sl); snuffschnupfen; (fig: = detect) → wittern, riechen; the dogs sniffed each otherdie Hunde beschnupperten sich; sniff these flowersriech mal an den Blumen
vi (person)schniefen (inf); (dog)schnüffeln, schnuppern; to sniff at something (lit)an etw (dat)schnuppern; (fig)die Nase über etw (acc)rümpfen; not to be sniffed atnicht zu verachten
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n (sound) → annusata, fiutata
to have a sniff of sth → annusare qc
one sniff of this is enough to kill you → una annusata a questo e muori di sicuro
he gave a sniff of contempt → ha arricciato il naso con disprezzo
2. vt (gen) → annusare, fiutare; (glue, drug) → sniffare; (inhalant) → fare inalazioni di
3. vi (person) → tirare su col naso; (in contempt) → arricciare il naso
sniff at vi + prepannusare
it's not to be sniffed at → non è da disprezzare
sniff out vt + advfiutare (fig) → fiutare, subodorare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(snif) verb
1. to draw in air through the nose with a slight noise.
2. to do this in an attempt to smell something. The dog sniffed me all over; He sniffed suddenly, wondering if he could smell smoke.
an act of sniffing.
sniff out
to discover or detect (by using the sense of smell). The police used dogs to sniff out the explosives.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَشْتِمُّ popotáhnout nosem snøfte schnuppern ρουθουνίζω olfatear niiskuttaa renifler šmrcati annusare 鼻で吸う 코를 킁킁거리다 snuiven snuse powąchać fungar вдыхать через нос lukta สูดจมูกฟุดฟิต burnunu çekmek hít
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


v. olfatear, oler; absorber por la nariz; resoplar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


vt (glue, etc.) inhalar, esnifar (Ang) (pegamento, etc.); vi aspirar por la nariz
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
I get out on th' moor many a day when it's rainin' an' I lie under a bush an' listen to th' soft swish o' drops on th' heather an, I just sniff an, sniff.
One careless sniff had satisfied his mate, and she trotted on to reassure him.
"Ah!" I thought, "you may hunt, but you will bring nothing home to the pot." Just then a dog that was lying by the fire got up and began to sniff the air.
At Mercy Farm, at Diana's Grove, at Castra Regis, and a few other spots, the negro stopped and, opening his wide nostrils as if to sniff boldly, said that he smelled death.
He sniffed at his fingers, as a wild beast might sniff at the life-blood upon a wounded paw.
Still she took a long sniff at the mouth of the Jar.
He kept quiet a little longer, and then gave a prodigious sniff.
The other fox-terrier, the one with the injured foreleg, endured Michael's sniff with no more than hysterical growls deep in the throat; but the flipping out of Michael's tongue was too much.
And then they both began sniffing, and, at the third sniff, they caught it right on the chest, and rose up without another word and went out.
Jip went up and sniffed at something lying on the ground beside him.
But in the end Buck's pertinacity was rewarded; for the wolf, finding that no harm was intended, finally sniffed noses with him.
With nose close to the thatched wall Korak sniffed eagerly about the structure--tense and palpitant as a hunting hound.