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Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 10 November 2021

Global Disease Split for the 2023-2025 Allocation Methodology

Based on its review of the Secretariat’s analysis and recommendations on the global disease split for the 2023-2025 allocation period, and the Strategy Committee’s related deliberations, the Board:

  1. Acknowledges that the total amount of funds available for country allocation (including approved sources of funds for country allocation and any additional funds approved as available for country allocation) will be decided by the Board in November 2022, based on the recommendation of the Audit and Finance Committee following announced replenishments results from the 7th Replenishment;
  2. Approves that the apportionment of available country allocation funds across disease components (“Global Disease Split”) for the 2023-2025 allocation period will be determined by the total amount of available funds for country allocation for the 2023-2025 allocation period approved by the Board;
  3. Acknowledging the increased share of deaths from tuberculosis among the three diseases, approves the following Global Disease Split for the 2023-2025 allocation period, which increases funding for tuberculosis while preserving funding and potential for scale-up for HIV and malaria:
    1. Any available funds for country allocation up to and including US$ 12 billion will be apportioned as follows: 50% for HIV/AIDS, 18% for tuberculosis, and 32% for malaria; and
    2. Any additional available funds for country allocation above US$ 12 billion will be apportioned as follows:
      1. i. 45% of such funds will be apportioned to HIV/AIDS;
      2. ii. 25% of such funds will be apportioned to tuberculosis; and
      3. iii. 30% of such funds will be apportioned to malaria.
  4. Recognizing the need to further increase funding for tuberculosis and maximize the quality and impact of tuberculosis programs in line with the ambition of the Global Fund Strategy Narrative, requests the Secretariat, partners and committees, as relevant, to propose and implement specific options to address these needs, including:
    1. Presenting to the Board, at its 47th meeting, a proposal to leverage catalytic investments for the 2023-2025 allocation period to mobilize additional resources to reduce deaths from tuberculosis;
    2. Aggressively exploring, on an ongoing basis, evidence-based portfolio optimization and prioritization opportunities in order to more effectively address tuberculosis incidence and mortality in high burden countries;
    3. Continuing to pursue and monitor domestic co-financing commitments required to increase overall financing for tuberculosis; and
    4. Continuing to pursue innovative finance opportunities to increase funding to tuberculosis in high burden countries.
  5. Requests the Global Fund’s Independent Evaluation Function to commission, in consultation with the Strategy Committee, technical partners and Secretariat, an external evaluation of the Global Fund’s approach to resource allocation to maximize impact, to inform evidence-based decision making on these issues ahead of the 8th replenishment, and to support more effective delivery of the Global Fund Strategy.

Budgetary Implications
