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Arduino-UNO IOT Development Board

Order Code: 52072G

Category: IoT Solutions

Introduction Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple I/O board and a development environment that implements the Processing / Wiring language. Besides easy-to-use hardware and software interface, Arduino is designed t...


Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple I/O board and a development environment that implements the Processing / Wiring language. Besides easy-to-use hardware and software interface, Arduino is designed to be as flexible as possible to fit your project's needs.

52072G Arduino-UNO IOT Development Board provides an environment for Arduino to interact with different forms of electronics (26 module blocks) with simple codes and connections. With a universal breadboard, it is convenient for students to construct the circuits that are not provided by the 52072G.



  1. Ardunio IDE provided
  2. Completely compatible with Arduino Standard Shield
  3. Programmable immediately to block program just with basic circuit without wiring
  4. Designed for wiring to desired pin
  5. The latest version Ardunio 1.0.5.
  6. Bread broad and various Powers usable for application
  7. 26 kinds of I/O device
  8. Available to control by Smart phone with built-in Bluetooth and Wireless LAN. 


Technical Specifications

  1. MCU Board
    1. Microcontroller :  ATmega328P
    2. Operating Voltage :  5V
    3. Input Voltage (recommended) :  7-12V
    4. Input Voltage (limit) :  6-20V
    5. Digital I/O Pins :  14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
    6. PWM Digital I/O Pins :  6
    7. Analog Input Pins :  6
    8. DC Current per I/O Pin :  20 mA
    9. DC Current for 3.3V Pin :  50 mA
    10. Flash Memory :  32 KB (ATmega328P) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
    11. SRAM :  2 KB (ATmega328P)
    12. EEPROM :  1 KB (ATmega328P)
    13. Clock Speed :  16 MHz
    14. LED_BUILTIN :  13
    15. Length :  68.6 mm
    16. Width :  53.4 mm
  2. Main Configuration : Circuit in Arduino-UNO IOT Development Board is composed enough to make us understand the system. In addition, this provides Breadboard and various Voltages. We can use Breadboard to make application circuit and test it.
    1.  Arduino Uno    
    2. Power Supply    
    3. 4x4 Keypad    
    4. DIP Switch    
    5. CDS & Microphone    
    6. Joystick
    7. Accelerometer    
    8. Humidity/Temperature Sensor    
    9. IR Line Tracer    
    10. Ultrasonic    
    11. Slide Potentiometer    
    12. LED Matrix
    13. LED Bar    
    14. 1W LED    
    15. RGB LED    
    16. Serial RGB LED    
    17. I2C LCD 16x2    
    18. 4-Digit-Segment Display
    19. Buzzer    
    20. Relay    
    21. Servo Motor    
    22. DC Motor    
    23. Step Motor    
    24. Bluetooth
    25. Wi-Fi    
    26. Breadboard


List of Experiments
Learning Arduino-Uno Development Board Arduino programming

  1. To develop Arduino program for blinking of LED
  2. To develop Arduino program for fading of LED
  3. To develop Arduino program for controlling LED brightness with a potentiometer
  4. To control active and passive buzzers using DIP switches
  5. To develop Arduino program for controlling parallel RGB LEDs
  6. To develop Arduino program for controlling a 5x5 LED matrix with rainbow colors
  7. To develop Arduino program for controlling a 4-digit seven-segment display
  8. To develop Arduino program for displaying an emoji on an 8x8 LED matrix
  9. To develop Arduino program for displaying text on an i2c LCD
  10. To develop Arduino program for interfacing a 4x4 keypad and I2C LCD
  11. To develop Arduino program for interfacing mpu6050 and detecting motion
  12. To develop Arduino program for interfacing IR sensors and controlling LED bar
  13. To develop Arduino program for interfacing dht sensor and displaying temperature and humidity on LCD
  14. To develop Arduino program for interfacing smoke sensor and activating alarm system
  15. To develop Arduino program for interfacing ultrasonic sensor and displaying distance on LCD
  16. To develop Arduino program for interfacing LDR and controlling LED
  17. To develop Arduino program for interfacing KY-038 sound sensor module and controlling LED
  18. To develop Arduino program for controlling two dc motors using L293D motor driver
  19. To develop Arduino program for controlling a step per revolution motor using the stepper library
  20. To control two axis servo motors using a joystick
  21. To develop Arduino program for remote control LED using Bluetooth module (HC-05) and remotexy platform
  22. To develop Arduino program for remote control LED relay using wifi module (ESP-01) and remotexy platform
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