LEGO® Parts - Armor
Can I buy a LEGO® part separately? Yes, you can. Here you will find all kinds of LEGO® bricks that you can order separately.
Quick result
Three ways to quickly find your LEGO® part. Choose one of the 3 options.1
You can find the LEGO® part number at the back of the construction manual.
If you are looking for one or more parts from a LEGO® set, this is the best search option.
Choose a category to refine your search. Further refine with sub-categories, color and/or dimensions.
Use the categories or color options below to refine the number of parts found. Depending on the category, you can filter with a sub-category or a size option.
185 results
Find parts from your LEGO set

Are you missing a part from a LEGO set? Look it up easily by entering the set number below.
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