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Benji My Best Friend

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Following hot on the tail of their Max and Mitz interactive twin puppies, Animagic have hit the spot again with their wonderful Benji My Best Friend, the animatronic West Highland Terrier! Distributed in the UK by Vivid Imaginations, Benji's reactions to having his sensors touched delights and amuses thousands of little girls all around the world.

Benji is an interesting choice of name when you consider that there's already a famous Benji dog who's been the star of numerous films including For The Love of Benji and Oh! Heavenly Dog. Nevertheless, we still like this electronic version!

Benji knows when you walk into the room and will wag his tail and bark to greet you. Perhaps the most exciting feature is Benji’s tug of war game – pull the rope in his mouth and he will react by pulling back and making playful growling noises. He just can't get enough of his favourite game! Tickle his chin and Benji will put his head on one side, or will react when he’s excited to see his owner, just like a real doggy!

Benji My Best Friend Animagic Toy
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