From the same stem as the verb stiept(“to stretch, to pull”) (q.v.); the original meaning was probably “(something) stretched,” “(something) made tight by stretching.”[1]
stopu gatavošana prasīja daudz darba un pacietības ― the making of a crossbow demanded much work and patience
Griģis veikli rīkojās ar stopu, un viņa bultas droši skrēja mērķim pretī ― Griģis quickly acted with (his) crossbow, and his arrows surely flew toward the goal
More information singular (vienskaitlis), plural (daudzskaitlis) ...
trumuli mēs nopirkām no Jaņķeļa par 15 kapeikām; viņā ieiet divi stopi ūdens ― we bought a drum from Jaņķeļš for 15 kopeks; it can hold 2 stopi (= 2.6 cubic decimeters) of water