celt (transitive, 1st conjugation, present ceļu, cel, ceļ, past cēlu)
- to lift, to raise (to move something upward)
- celt krēsli, akmeni ― to lift a chair, a stone
- celt saiņus ― to lift bundles
- celt glāzi pie lūpām ― to lift a glass to (one's) lips
- celt plecos nastu ― to lift a burden on (one's) shoulders
- celt maisus ārā no ratiem ― to lift (= take) bags out of the cart
- ko nevar celt, to nevar nest ― what you can't lift, you can't carry
- celt roku ― to raise (one's) hand
- celt kāju pāri slieksnim ― to raise (one's) foot above the threshold
- celt galvu (augstāk) ― to raise (one's) head (higher) (= be confident)
- celt degunu par augstu ― to raise (one's) nose high (= be conceited)
- necelt (ne savu) kāju ― to not lift one foot (= to not go)
- (with galdā “at the table” or priekšā “ahead, at the front”) to offer, to serve (food, drinks) (lit. to lift to the table, to lift forward)
- tajā vakarā Anna līdz pat tumsai nebija skaidrībā, ko lai ceļ vīriešiem galdā ― that night Anna wasn't sure until dark of what (food) she should offer, serve to the men
- viesiem cēla priekšā visu labāko, kas vien patlaban mājā bija ― they offered the guests the best (food, drinks) they had at home
- (with priekšā “ahead, at the front”) to show, to reveal (lit. to lift forward)
- sapulcēs viņš bija cēlis priekšā savu darbu “Senais Latvietis” ― in the meetings he had shown his work “The Ancient Latvian”
- (with augšā “up(ward)”) to mention, to bring up (something previously known)
- pagastā runāja, ka Brīviņu ugunsgrēka lietu ceļot augšā ― in the parish they were saying that (someone) had apparently brought up the case of the Brīviņu fire
- to take (something) across (a body of water), from one shore to the other
- celt tūristus pāri upei ar plostu ― to lift (= take) tourists across the river with a raft
- “Vilnis” ceļ pasažierus pāri Mazajai Daugavai ― the “Vilnis” lifts (= takes) passengers across the Little Daugava (river)
- (of skills, knowledge) to build up, to raise, to improve, to develop
- celt savu kvalifikāciju ― to raise, improve one's skills
- celt darba ražīgumu ― to raise, improve (work) productivity
- mācoties no Padomju Savienības brālīgo tautu literatūras bagātīgās pieredzes, mūsu rakstnieki ceļ savu meistarību ― learning from the rich experience of the Soviet Union's brotherly folk literature, our writers develop their skills
- (of people) to improve someone's reputation, standing, to dignify
- tas mani Jēkapeļa acīs lieliski cēla ― this (work) raised me (= made me seem more important) in Jēkapelis' eyes
- vīru ceļ darbi, ne valodas skaļas ― work, not loud talk, raises, dignifies people
- (colloquial) to raise, to employ, to put to work (in a position of responsibility)
- celt par priekšnieku ― to make (lit. raise) someone a chief
- kas tad šos par ministriem cels, ja ne mēs paši ― who will make (lit. raise, lift) them ministers, if not we ourselves?
- celt āzi par dārznieku ― to raise, to employ a goat as a gardener (= to give a position to someone who cannot be trusted, who will misuse it)
- to make (someone) rise, to awaken, to wake up (also figuratively)
- celt no rīta bērnus augšā ― to wake up (lit. lift up(ward)) the children in the morning
- rītos viņu ceļ gaiļa dziesma ― in the morning the rooster's crow wakes him up
- Lāčplēsis, diženais vīrs, latviešus cīniņā ceļ ― the Bear Slayer, a great man, awakened the Latvians in (= to) the struggle
- to build, to construct (a house, a building, etc.)
- celt namu, skolu, rūpnīcu ― to build a house, a school, a factory
- celt pieminekli ― to build a monument
- jauno tiltu cēla draugu, brāļu rokas ― the hands of friends and brothers built the new bridge
- Egles māja bija celta no sarkaniem ķieģeļiem ― Egle's house was built of red bricks
- celt gaisa pilis ― to build air castles (i.e., to fantasize, to dream about impossible things)
- (figuratively) to build, to make
- celt jauno dzīvi ― to build a new life
- jau šodien mēs ceļam rītdienu ― already today we are building tomorrow
- Kas pats zin atrast labu, ļaunu, / tas pasauli zin celt par jaunu ― he who knows good from evil / can build the world anew
- (colloquial) to raise, to make, to create, to generate
- celt troksni kā elli ― to make noise like hell
- celt traci, paniku ― to raise (an) uproar, panic
- celt kādam neslavu ― to raise disrepute, infamy on someone (= to spread compromising information about someone)
- (of claims, complaints, objections, protest) to raise, to allege
- pratināšanas sākumā izmeklētājs jautā apsūdzētajam, vai viņš atzīst sevi par vainīgu celtajā apsūdzībā ― at the beginning of the interrogation the investigator asked the accused if he declared himself guilty of the alleged charges
- amatpersonas, kurām piešķirta tiesība celt protestus, var apturēt attiecīgu spriedumu ― officers who were granted the right to raise protests, can stop the corresponding trial
- labākos kumosus, glītākās drēbes dabūja Dāvis... “viņš jau tāds slimīgs”,» aizstāvēja māte, kad Jūle ar Rūdi cēla iebildumus ― Dāvis got the best bites (of food), the pretties clothes... “he is so sickly,” (his) mother defended him, when Jūle and Rūde raised objections
More information INDICATIVE (īstenības izteiksme), IMPERATIVE (pavēles izteiksme) ...
Derived terms
- prefixed verbs:
- aizcelt
- apcelt
- atcelt
- iecelt
- izcelt
- nocelt
- pacelt
- pārcelt
- piecelt
- sacelt
- uzcelt
- other derived terms:
- cilāt
- cildens, cildināt, izcils