Spiegel (sense 1)Spiegel of a deer (sense 5.3)Noun
Spiegel m (strong , genitive Spiegels , plural Spiegel , diminutive Spiegelchen n or Spieglein n )
mirror ( smooth surface, usually made of glass with reflective material painted on the underside, that reflects light )
1812 , Brüder Grimm , Schneewittchen :[ …] Sie hatte auch einen Spiegel , vor den trat sie alle Morgen und fragte: / „Spieglein , Spieglein an der Wand: / wer ist die schönste Frau in dem ganzen Land? “She had a Mirror before which she came every morning. She'd ask: Mirror , Mirror , on the wall, who is the fairest Woman in the entire land?"
Sie hatte einen großen Spiegel . ― She had a large mirror .
level (of a liquid within a delimited space or a substance in a liquid mixture )
Synonyms: Pegel , Konzentration
Meeresspiegel ― sea level
Alkoholspiegel ― alcohol level (amount in blood, for example)
Testosteronspiegel ― testosterone level
surface ( flat overside or up-side of a liquid )
Synonym: Wasseroberfläche
schematic overview , table ( two-dimensional presentation of data )
Synonym: Tabelle
Notenspiegel ― transcript (as in a set of notes that mirrors the conversation)
Gehaltsspiegel ― salary tables (pay levels )
white or light -coloured mark (on an animal)
on the forehead of horses and cattle
Das Pony hatte einen hübsch geformten Spiegel auf der Stirn. The pony had a nicely shaped mark on the forehead.
on the wing of a goose , capercaillie , or black cock
on the hindquarters of deer
More information singular, plural ...
Declension of Spiegel [masculine, strong ]