From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
From German Liechtenstein, after the name of the ruling dynasty, which in turn derives its name from that of Liechtenstein Castle, which means “bright stone”, from liecht, an obsolete variant of licht (“light, bright”), + Stein (“stone”).
Proper noun
- A microstate in Central Europe. Official name: Principality of Liechtenstein. Capital: Vaduz.
Related terms
Principality of Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein (not comparable)
- Of or pertaining to Liechtenstein.
- Of or pertaining to the people or culture of Liechtenstein.
of or pertaining to Liechtenstein
See also
- Albania
- Andorra
- Armenia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic, Czechia
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Georgia
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Kazakhstan
- Kosovo
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Netherlands
- North Macedonia
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
- Vatican City
Proper noun
Proper noun
- Liechtenstein (a microstate in Central Europe; capital: Vaduz)
Derived terms
Proper noun
Liechtenstein inan
indefinite | |
absolutive | Liechtenstein |
ergative | Liechtensteinek |
dative | Liechtensteini |
genitive | Liechtensteinen |
comitative | Liechtensteinekin |
causative | Liechtensteinengatik |
benefactive | Liechtensteinentzat |
instrumental | Liechtensteinez |
inessive | Liechtensteinen |
locative | Liechtensteingo |
allative | Liechtensteinera |
terminative | Liechtensteineraino |
directive | Liechtensteinerantz |
destinative | Liechtensteinerako |
ablative | Liechtensteindik |
partitive | Liechtensteinik |
prolative | Liechtensteintzat |
Derived terms
- liechtensteindar
See also
- Albania
- Alemania
- Andorra
- Armenia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belgika
- Bielorrusia
- Bosnia eta Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Danimarka
- Erresuma Batua
- Errumania
- Errusia
- Eslovakia
- Eslovenia
- Espainia
- Estonia
- Finlandia
- Frantzia
- Georgia
- Grezia
- Herbehereak
- Hungaria
- Ipar Mazedonia
- Irlanda
- Islandia
- Italia
- Kazakhstan
- Kosovo
- Kroazia
- Letonia
- Liechtenstein
- Lituania
- Luxenburgo
- Malta
- Moldavia
- Monako
- Montenegro
- Norvegia
- Polonia
- Portugal
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Suedia
- Suitza
- Turkia
- Txekia
- Ukraina
- Vatikano Hiria
- Zipre
Further reading
- “38.- Munduko estatuen izenak, herritarren izenak, hizkuntza ofizialak eta hiriburuak [Names of the states of the world, nationalities, official languages and capitals]”, in Euskaltzaindiaren Arauak, Euskaltzaindia, 2019
Central Nahuatl
Proper noun
Proper noun
See also
- Albanien
- Andorra
- Armenien
- Aserbajdsjan
- Belgien
- Bosnien-Hercegovina
- Bulgarien
- Cypern
- Danmark
- Estland
- Finland
- Forenede Kongerige
- Frankrig
- Georgien
- Grækenland
- Hviderusland
- Irland
- Island
- Italien
- Kasakhstan
- Kosovo
- Kroatien
- Letland
- Liechtenstein
- Litauen
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Nederlandene
- Nordmakedonien
- Norge
- Polen
- Portugal
- Rumænien
- Rusland
- San Marino
- Schweiz
- Serbien
- Slovakiet
- Slovenien
- Spanien
- Sverige
- Tjekkiet
- Tyskland
- Ukraine
- Ungarn
- Vatikanstaten
- Østrig
Borrowed from German Liechtenstein.
- IPA(key): /ˈlix.tə(n)ˌstɛi̯n/, /ˈlix.tə(n)ˌstɑi̯n/
Audio (Netherlands): (file) - Hyphenation: Liech‧ten‧stein
Proper noun
Liechtenstein n (adjective Liechtensteins, demonym Liechtensteiner m or Liechtensteinse f)
See also
- Albanië
- Andorra
- Armenië
- Azerbeidzjan
- Belarus
- België
- Bosnië en Herzegovina
- Bulgarije
- Cyprus
- Denemarken
- Duitsland
- Estland
- Finland
- Frankrijk
- Georgië
- Griekenland
- Hongarije
- Ierland
- IJsland
- Italië
- Kazachstan
- Kosovo
- Kroatië
- Letland
- Liechtenstein
- Litouwen
- Luxemburg
- Malta
- Moldavië
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Nederland
- Noord-Macedonië
- Noorwegen
- Oekraïne
- Oostenrijk
- Polen
- Portugal
- Roemenië
- Rusland
- San Marino
- Servië
- Slovenië
- Slowakije
- Tsjechië
- Turkije
- Vaticaanstad
- Verenigd Koninkrijk
- Wit-Rusland
- Zweden
- Zwitserland
Proper noun
Liechtenstein (genitive Liechtensteini, partitive Liechtensteini)
Declension of Liechtenstein (ÕS type 22e/riik, length gradation) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | Liechtenstein | — | |
accusative | nom. | ||
gen. | Liechtensteini | ||
genitive | — | ||
partitive | Liechtensteini | — | |
illative | Liechtensteini Liechtensteinisse |
— | |
inessive | Liechtensteinis | — | |
elative | Liechtensteinist | — | |
allative | Liechtensteinile | — | |
adessive | Liechtensteinil | — | |
ablative | Liechtensteinilt | — | |
translative | Liechtensteiniks | — | |
terminative | Liechtensteinini | — | |
essive | Liechtensteinina | — | |
abessive | Liechtensteinita | — | |
comitative | Liechtensteiniga | — |
See also
- Albaania
- Andorra
- Armeenia
- Aserbaidžaan
- Austria
- Belgia
- Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina
- Bulgaaria
- Eesti
- Georgia, Gruusia
- Hispaania
- Holland, Madalmaad
- Horvaatia
- Iirimaa ~ Iiri
- Island
- Itaalia
- Kasahstan
- Kosovo
- Kreeka
- Küpros
- Leedu
- Liechtenstein
- Luksemburg
- Läti
- Malta
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Norra
- Poola
- Portugal
- Prantsusmaa
- Põhja-Makedoonia
- Rootsi
- Rumeenia
- Saksamaa
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Slovakkia
- Sloveenia
- Soome
- Suurbritannia
- Šveits
- Taani
- Tšehhi
- Türgi
- Ukraina
- Ungari
- Valgevene
- Vatikan
- Venemaa
- Liechtenstein in Sõnaveeb (Eesti Keele Instituut)
- “Liechtenstein”, in [EKSS] Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat [Descriptive Dictionary of the Estonian Language] (in Estonian) (online version), Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus (Estonian Language Foundation), 2009
From German Liechtenstein.
Proper noun
Inflection of Liechtenstein (Kotus type 5/risti, no gradation) | |||
nominative | Liechtenstein | — | |
genitive | Liechtensteinin | — | |
partitive | Liechtensteinia | — | |
illative | Liechtensteiniin | — | |
singular | plural | ||
nominative | Liechtenstein | — | |
accusative | nom. | Liechtenstein | — |
gen. | Liechtensteinin | ||
genitive | Liechtensteinin | — | |
partitive | Liechtensteinia | — | |
inessive | Liechtensteinissa | — | |
elative | Liechtensteinista | — | |
illative | Liechtensteiniin | — | |
adessive | Liechtensteinilla | — | |
ablative | Liechtensteinilta | — | |
allative | Liechtensteinille | — | |
essive | Liechtensteinina | — | |
translative | Liechtensteiniksi | — | |
abessive | Liechtensteinitta | — | |
instructive | — | — | |
comitative | See the possessive forms below. |
Possessive forms of Liechtenstein (Kotus type 5/risti, no gradation) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Derived terms
See also
- Alankomaat
- Albania
- Andorra
- Armenia
- Azerbaidžan
- Belgia
- Bosnia ja Hertsegovina
- Bulgaria
- Espanja
- Georgia
- Irlanti
- Islanti
- Iso-Britannia
- Italia
- Itävalta
- Kazakstan
- Kosovo
- Kreikka
- Kroatia
- Kypros
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Liettua
- Luxemburg
- Malta
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Norja
- Pohjois-Makedonia
- Portugali
- Puola
- Ranska
- Romania
- Ruotsi
- Saksa
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Suomi
- Sveitsi
- Tanska
- Tšekki
- Turkki
- Ukraina
- Unkari
- Valko-Venäjä
- Vatikaani
- Venäjä
- Viro
Borrowed from German Liechtenstein.
- IPA(key): /liʃ.tən.ʃtajn/
Audio: (file) Audio (Switzerland): (file) - Hyphenation: Liech‧ten‧stein
Proper noun
Liechtenstein m
Derived terms
See also
- Albanie
- Allemagne
- Andorre
- Arménie
- Autriche
- Azerbaïdjan
- Belgique
- Biélorussie
- Bosnie-Herzégovine
- Bulgarie
- Chypre
- Cité du Vatican
- Croatie
- Danemark
- Espagne
- Estonie
- Finlande
- France
- Géorgie
- Grèce
- Hongrie
- Irlande
- Islande
- Italie
- Kazakhstan
- Kosovo ~ Cossovo
- Lettonie
- Liechtenstein
- Lituanie
- Luxembourg
- Macédoine du Nord
- Malte
- Moldavie
- Monaco
- Monténégro
- Norvège
- Pays-Bas
- Pologne
- Portugal
- République tchèque
- Roumanie
- Royaume-Uni
- Russie
- Saint-Marin
- Serbie
- Slovaquie
- Slovénie
- Suède
- Suisse
- Turquie
- Ukraine
Audio: (file)
Proper noun
Liechtenstein m
Alternative forms
- Lichtenstein (now uncommon)
Proper noun
Liechtenstein n (proper noun, genitive Liechtensteins or (optionally with an article) Liechtenstein)
- Liechtenstein (a microstate in Central Europe; official name: Fürstentum Liechtenstein)
Derived terms
- → Japanese: リヒテンシュタイン (Rihitenshutain)
See also
- Albanien
- Andorra
- Belarus
- Belgien
- Bosnien und Herzegowina
- Bulgarien
- Dänemark
- Deutschland
- Estland
- Finnland
- Frankreich
- Griechenland
- Irland
- Island
- Italien
- Kosovo
- Kroatien
- Lettland
- Liechtenstein
- Litauen
- Luxemburg
- Malta
- Moldau
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Niederlande
- Nordmazedonien
- Norwegen
- Österreich
- Polen
- Portugal
- Rumänien
- Russland
- San Marino
- Schweden
- Schweiz
- Serbien
- Slowakei
- Slowenien
- Spanien
- Tschechien
- Ukraine
- Ungarn
- Vatikanstadt
- Vereinigtes Königreich
- Weißrussland
- Zypern
Further reading
- “Liechtenstein” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
Proper noun
singular | plural | |
nominative | Liechtenstein | — |
accusative | Liechtensteint | — |
dative | Liechtensteinnek | — |
instrumental | Liechtensteinnel | — |
causal-final | Liechtensteinért | — |
translative | Liechtensteinné | — |
terminative | Liechtensteinig | — |
essive-formal | Liechtensteinként | — |
essive-modal | — | — |
inessive | Liechtensteinben | — |
superessive | Liechtensteinen | — |
adessive | Liechtensteinnél | — |
illative | Liechtensteinbe | — |
sublative | Liechtensteinre | — |
allative | Liechtensteinhez | — |
elative | Liechtensteinből | — |
delative | Liechtensteinről | — |
ablative | Liechtensteintől | — |
non-attributive possessive – singular |
Liechtensteiné | — |
non-attributive possessive – plural |
Liechtensteinéi | — |
possessor | single possession | multiple possessions |
1st person sing. | Liechtensteinem | — |
2nd person sing. | Liechtensteined | — |
3rd person sing. | Liechtensteine, Liechtensteinje | — |
1st person plural | Liechtensteinünk | — |
2nd person plural | Liechtensteinetek | — |
3rd person plural | Liechtensteinük, Liechtensteinjük | — |
Derived terms
- liechtensteini
See also
- Albánia
- Andorra
- Ausztria
- Azerbajdzsán
- Belgium
- Bosznia-Hercegovina
- Bulgária
- Ciprus
- Csehország
- Dánia
- Egyesült Királyság
- Észak-Macedónia
- Észtország
- Fehéroroszország
- Finnország
- Franciaország
- Görögország
- Grúzia, Georgia
- Hollandia
- Horvátország
- Izland
- Írország
- Kazahsztán
- Koszovó
- Lengyelország
- Lettország
- Liechtenstein
- Litvánia
- Luxemburg
- Magyarország
- Málta
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Montenegró
- Németország
- Norvégia
- Olaszország
- Oroszország
- Örményország
- Portugália
- Románia
- San Marino
- Spanyolország
- Svájc
- Svédország
- Szerbia
- Szlovákia
- Szlovénia
- Törökország
- Ukrajna
- Vatikán
Proper noun
See also
- Albania
- Andora
- Armenia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belgia
- Bielorusia
- Bosnia e Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Chekia
- Chipro
- Dania
- Estonia
- Finlando
- Francia
- Germania
- Grekia
- Gruzia
- Hispania
- Hungaria
- Irlando
- Islando
- Italia
- Kazakstan
- Kosovo
- Kroatia
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lituania
- Luxemburgia
- Macedonia
- Malta
- Moldova
- Monako
- Montenegro
- Nederlando
- Norvegia
- Polonia
- Portugal
- Rumania
- Rusia
- San-Marino
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Suedia
- Suisia
- Turkia
- Ukraina
- Unionita Rejio
- Vatikano
Norwegian Bokmål
Norwegian Nynorsk
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