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Sports season From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 1950 AAA Championship Car season consisted of 13 races, beginning in Speedway, Indiana on May 30 and concluding in Darlington, South Carolina on December 10. There were also two non-championship events. The AAA National Champion was Henry Banks, and the Indianapolis 500 winner was Johnnie Parsons.
1950 AAA Championship Car season | |
AAA National Championship Trail | |
Season | |
Races | 13 |
Start date | May 30 |
End date | December 10 |
Awards | |
National champion | |
Indianapolis 500 winner | |
Note1: The points became the car, when not only one driver led the car, the relieved driver became small part of the points. Points for driver method: (the points for the finish place) / (number the lap when completed the car) * (number the lap when completed the driver)
Note2: There were scoring omissions in the AAA records regarding laps completed for eight drivers in the Springfield and Bay Meadows races in 1950. The statistics shown include the most accurate representation of those races that is available.
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