2023, featuring, in addition to Vandermark, the much younger musicians (ErezDessel [de] (keyboards), Lily Finnegan [de] (drums), and Beth McDonald [de]
Mediterranean in Honor of Seymour Gitin, eds. S. Crawford, A. Ben-Tor, J. Dessel, W. Dever, A. Mazar and J. Aviram. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society
Mounds in the Intermediate Bronze Age", in Gitin, S., Wright, J.E. and Dessel, J.P. (eds), Confronting the Past—Archaeological and Historical Essays on
259–282. doi:10.1179/tav.2003.2003.2.259. Gitin, Seymour; Wright, J. Edward; Dessel, J. P., eds. (2006). Confronting the Past: Archaeological and Historical