onderscheiding Van Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie
De National Inventors Hall of Fame (NIHF) is een Amerikaanse organisatie die in 1973 werd opgericht om uitmuntende uitvinders te eren en hun bijdragen aan technologische vooruitgang te erkennen. De Hall of Fame fungeert als een museum en een educatief centrum, en heeft als doel om de volgende generatie te inspireren door het delen van verhalen over innovatie en creativiteit.
De National Inventors Hall of Fame werd opgericht door het United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) en de organisatie Invent Now. De oprichting vond plaats met als doel het bewaren en eren van het werk van uitvinders die een blijvende impact hebben gehad op de maatschappij door hun uitvindingen. In 1973 werden de eerste uitvinders geïntroduceerd in de Hall of Fame, waaronder iconische figuren zoals Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell en de Wright brothers.
Uitvinders komen in aanmerking voor de National Inventors Hall of Fame als zij minstens één Amerikaanse patent hebben ontvangen en een significante en herkenbare bijdrage hebben geleverd aan hun respectievelijke velden. De selectieprocedure omvat een nominatieproces, een evaluatie door een selectiecomité bestaande uit experts uit verschillende disciplines, en de uiteindelijke goedkeuring door een raad van bestuur. De criteria voor selectie richten zich op de invloed en het belang van de uitvinding, evenals de innovativiteit en het sociaal-economische effect.
Jaarlijks worden nieuwe leden ingewijd tijdens een ceremonie, waarbij de uitvinders en hun bijdragen worden gevierd. De nieuw geselecteerde uitvinders worden toegevoegd aan een groeiende lijst van prominente figuren die de geschiedenis van technologische en wetenschappelijke vooruitgang hebben vormgegeven.
De National Inventors Hall of Fame was oorspronkelijk gevestigd in Washington, D.C., maar verhuisde in 1995 naar Akron, Ohio. In 2008 werd de permanente locatie geopend in het USPTO-hoofdkwartier in Alexandria, Virginia. De Hall of Fame bevat interactieve tentoonstellingen en displays die het leven en werk van de uitvinders belichten, evenals de bredere impact van hun uitvindingen.
Naast het eren van uitvinders, is de National Inventors Hall of Fame ook betrokken bij verschillende educatieve programma's. Een van de bekendste initiatieven is het "Camp Invention"-programma, een zomerkamp dat kinderen aanmoedigt om creatief te denken en praktische vaardigheden in wetenschap, technologie, techniek en wiskunde (STEM) te ontwikkelen. Daarnaast organiseert de Hall of Fame het "Collegiate Inventors Competition", een nationale wedstrijd die jonge uitvinders op universiteitsniveau erkent en beloont.
Jaar | Uitvinder | Geboortejaar | Overlijdensjaar | NIHF[1] |
1973 | Thomas Edison | 1847 | 1931 | [2] |
1974 | Alexander Graham Bell | 1847 | 1922 | [3] |
1974 | Eli Whitney | 1765 | 1825 | [4] |
1974 | Walter Brattain | 1902 | 1987 | [5] |
1974 | William Shockley | 1910 | 1989 | [6] |
1974 | John Bardeen* | 1908 | 1991 | [7] |
1975 | Nikola Tesla | 1856 | 1943 | [8] |
1975 | Orville Wright | 1871 | 1948 | [9] |
1975 | Samuel Morse | 1791 | 1872 | [10] |
1975 | Wilbur Wright | 1867 | 1912 | [11] |
1975 | William D. Coolidge | 1873 | 1975 | [12] |
1975 | Guglielmo Marconi* | 1874 | 1937 | [13] |
1976 | Charles Martin Hall | 1863 | 1914 | [14] |
1976 | Charles Goodyear | 1800 | 1860 | [15] |
1976 | Cyrus McCormick | 1809 | 1884 | [13] |
1976 | Enrico Fermi | 1901 | 1954 | [16] |
1976 | Rudolf Diesel | 1858 | 1913 | [17] |
1976 | Charles Townes* | 1915 | 2015 | [18] |
1977 | Charles Steinmetz | 1865 | 1923 | [19] |
1977 | Edwin H. Land | 1909 | 1991 | [20] |
1977 | George Eastman | 1854 | 1932 | [21] |
1977 | Lee De Forest* | 1873 | 1961 | [22] |
1977 | Vladimir K. Zworykin* | 1888 | 1982 | [23] |
1978 | Carl Djerassi | 1923 | 2015 | [24] |
1978 | Leo Baekeland | 1863 | 1944 | [25] |
1978 | Louis Pasteur | 1822 | 1895 | [26] |
1978 | Luis Alvarez | 1911 | 1988 | [27] |
1979 | Charles J. Plank | 1915 | 1989 | [28] |
1979 | Edward J. Rosinski | 1921 | 2000 | [29] |
1979 | Robert Hutchings Goddard | 1882 | 1945 | [30] |
1979 | Jay Wright Forrester* | 1918 | 2016 | [31] |
1980 | Charles F. Kettering | 1876 | 1958 | [32] |
1980 | James Hillier | 1915 | 2007 | [33] |
1980 | Lewis Hastings Sarett | 1917 | 1999 | [34] |
1980 | Edwin Armstrong* | 1890 | 1954 | [35] |
1981 | Charles Stark Draper | 1901 | 1987 | [36] |
1981 | Chester Carlson | 1906 | 1968 | [37] |
1981 | Harold Stephen Black | 1898 | 1983 | [38] |
1981 | Nicolaus Otto | 1832 | 1891 | [39] |
1982 | Ernest Lawrence | 1901 | 1958 | [40] |
1982 | Henry Ford | 1863 | 1947 | [41] |
1982 | Max Tishler | 1906 | 1989 | [42] |
1982 | Ottmar Mergenthaler | 1854 | 1899 | [43] |
1982 | Jack Kilby* | 1923 | 2005 | [44] |
1983 | Andrew Alford | 1904 | 1992 | [45] |
1983 | George Stibitz | 1904 | 1995 | [46] |
1983 | Herbert Henry Dow | 1866 | 1930 | [47] |
1983 | Ernst Alexanderson* | 1878 | 1975 | [48] |
1983 | Robert Noyce* | 1927 | 1990 | [49] |
1984 | Philo Farnsworth | 1906 | 1971 | [50] |
1984 | Theodore Harold Maiman | 1927 | 2007 | [51] |
1984 | Wallace Carothers | 1896 | 1937 | [52] |
1984 | William Merriam Burton | 1865 | 1954 | [53] |
1985 | Louis Marius Moyroud | 1914 | 2010 | [54] |
1985 | Marvin Camras | 1916 | 1995 | [55] |
1985 | Rene Alphonse Higonnet | 1902 | 1983 | [56] |
1985 | Roy J. Plunkett | 1910 | 1994 | [57] |
1985 | Willem Kolff | 1911 | 2009 | [58] |
1985 | Willis Carrier | 1876 | 1950 | [59] |
1986 | Donalee L. Tabern | 1900 | 1974 | [60] |
1986 | Ernest H. Volwiler | 1893 | 1992 | [61] |
1986 | Harold Eugene Edgerton | 1903 | 1990 | [62] |
1986 | Luther Burbank | 1849 | 1926 | [63] |
1986 | Wilson Greatbatch | 1919 | 2011 | [64] |
1987 | Andrew J. Moyer | 1899 | 1959 | [65] |
1987 | Arnold Orville Beckman | 1900 | 2004 | [66] |
1987 | Igor Sikorsky | 1889 | 1972 | [67] |
1987 | William Seward Burroughs I | 1857 | 1898 | [68] |
1988 | An Wang | 1920 | 1990 | [69] |
1988 | Elisha Otis | 1811 | 1861 | [70] |
1988 | Frank B. Colton | 1923 | 2003 | [71] |
1988 | Louis W. Parker | 1906 | 1993 | [72] |
1989 | George Westinghouse | 1846 | 1914 | [73] |
1989 | Irving Langmuir | 1881 | 1957 | [74] |
1989 | John Deere | 1804 | 1886 | [75] |
1989 | Raymond Vahan Damadian | 1936 | 2022 | [76] |
1990 | C. Robin Ganellin | 1934 | — | [77] |
1990 | Charles Ginsburg | 1920 | 1992 | [78] |
1990 | Eugene Houdry | 1892 | 1962 | [79] |
1990 | George Washington Carver | 1864 | 1943 | [80] |
1990 | Graham J. Durant | 1934 | 2009 | [81] |
1990 | Herman Hollerith | 1860 | 1929 | [82] |
1990 | John Colin Emmett | 1939 | — | [83] |
1990 | Ken Olsen | 1926 | 2011 | [84] |
1990 | Percy Lavon Julian | 1899 | 1975 | [85] |
1990 | Robert Ledley | 1926 | 2012 | [86] |
1991 | Donald F. Holmes | 1910 | 1980 | [87] |
1991 | Elmer Sperry | 1860 | 1930 | [88] |
1991 | Gertrude Elion | 1918 | 1999 | [89] |
1991 | Gordon Gould | 1920 | 2005 | [90] |
1991 | Leonard Greene | 1918 | 2006 | [91] |
1991 | Robert R. Williams | 1886 | 1965 | [92] |
1991 | Willard Harrison Bennett | 1903 | 1987 | [93] |
1991 | William Edward Hanford | 1908 | 1996 | [94] |
1992 | Benjamin Rubin | 1917 | 2010 | [95] |
1992 | Charles F. Brannock | 1903 | 1992 | [96] |
1992 | Frederick Gardner Cottrell | 1877 | 1948 | [97] |
1992 | Lloyd Conover | 1923 | 2017 | [98] |
1992 | William Redington Hewlett | 1913 | 2001 | [99] |
1993 | Baruch Samuel Blumberg | 1925 | 2011 | [100] |
1993 | Bill Lear | 1902 | 1978 | [101] |
1993 | Donald Keck | 1941 | — | [102] |
1993 | Irving Millman | 1923 | 2012 | [103] |
1993 | John T. Parsons | 1913 | 2007 | [104] |
1993 | John Ericsson | 1803 | 1889 | [105] |
1993 | Peter C. Schultz | 1942 | — | [106] |
1993 | Robert D. Maurer | 1924 | — | [107] |
1994 | Elizabeth Lee Hazen | 1885 | 1975 | [108] |
1994 | Emile Berliner | 1851 | 1929 | [109] |
1994 | Gerd Binnig | 1947 | — | [110] |
1994 | Heinrich Rohrer | 1933 | 2013 | [111] |
1994 | Rachel Fuller Brown | 1898 | 1980 | [112] |
1994 | Robert H. Rines | 1922 | 2009 | [113] |
1994 | Robert N. Hall | 1919 | 2016 | [114] |
1995 | Forrest Bird | 1921 | 2015 | [115] |
1995 | John C. Sheehan | 1915 | 1992 | [116] |
1995 | Joseph H. Burckhalter | 1912 | 2004 | [117] |
1995 | Robert J. Seiwald | 1925 | — | [118] |
1995 | Stephanie Kwolek | 1923 | 2014 | [119] |
1995 | Waldo Semon | 1898 | 1999 | [120] |
1995 | William Stanley jr. | 1858 | 1916 | [121] |
1996 | Leó Szilárd | 1898 | 1964 | [122] |
1996 | Arthur Schawlow | 1921 | 1999 | [123] |
1996 | Edmund Germer | 1901 | 1987 | [124] |
1996 | Federico Faggin | 1941 | — | [125] |
1996 | Julius Nieuwland | 1878 | 1936 | [126] |
1996 | Marcian Hoff | 1937 | — | [127] |
1996 | Stanley Mazor | 1941 | — | [128] |
1997 | Dennis L. Moeller | 1950 | — | [129] |
1997 | Edward Goodrich Acheson | 1856 | 1931 | [130] |
1997 | George Herman Babcock | 1832 | 1893 | [131] |
1997 | Mark Dean | 1957 | — | [132] |
1997 | Robert W. Bower | 1936 | — | [133] |
1997 | Seymour Cray | 1925 | 1996 | [134] |
1997 | Stephen Wilcox | 1830 | 1893 | [135] |
1997 | Robert H. Dennard* | 1932 | — | [136] |
1998 | Alfred Nobel | 1833 | 1896 | [137] |
1998 | Douglas Engelbart | 1925 | 2013 | [138] |
1998 | Henry Timken | 1831 | 1909 | [139] |
1998 | James Fergason | 1934 | 2008 | [140] |
1998 | Kary Mullis | 1944 | 2019 | [141] |
1998 | Semi Joseph Begun | 1905 | 1995 | [142] |
1999 | Bryan Molloy | 1939 | 2004 | [143] |
1999 | Charlie Tyson | 1905 | 1977 | [144] |
1999 | Donald L. Campbell | 1904 | 2002 | [145] |
1999 | Eger V. Murphree | 1898 | 1962 | [146] |
1999 | Georges de Mestral | 1907 | 1990 | [147] |
1999 | Gerhard M. Sessler | 1931 | — | [148] |
1999 | Homer Martin | 1910 | 1993 | [149] |
1999 | James West | 1931 | — | [150] |
1999 | Klaus Schmiegel | 1939 | — | [151] |
1999 | Percy Spencer | 1894 | 1970 | [152] |
2000 | Alfred Free | 1913 | 2000 | [153] |
2000 | Helen Murray Free | 1923 | 2021 | [154] |
2000 | James Franklin Hyde | 1903 | 1999 | [155] |
2000 | Steve Wozniak | 1950 | — | [156] |
2000 | Walt Disney | 1901 | 1966 | [157] |
2000 | William Justin Kroll | 1889 | 1973 | [158] |
2000 | Reginald Fessenden* | 1866 | 1932 | [159] |
2001 | Christopher Latham Sholes | 1819 | 1890 | [160] |
2001 | Elijah McCoy | 1844 | 1929 | [161] |
2001 | Herbert Boyer | 1936 | — | [162] |
2001 | J. Paul Hogan | 1919 | 2012 | [163] |
2001 | Oliver Evans | 1755 | 1819 | [164] |
2001 | Patsy O'Connell Sherman | 1930 | 2008 | [165] |
2001 | Robert Banks | 1921 | 1989 | [166] |
2001 | Samuel Smith | 1927 | 2005 | [167] |
2001 | Stanley Norman Cohen | 1935 | — | [168] |
2001 | Thomas J. Fogarty | 1934 | — | [169] |
2002 | Alois Langer | 1945 | — | [170] |
2002 | Felix Hoffmann | 1868 | 1946 | [171] |
2002 | Henry Bessemer | 1813 | 1898 | [172] |
2002 | Irwin Lachman | 1930 | — | [173] |
2002 | J. Presper Eckert | 1919 | 1995 | [174] |
2002 | James J. Wynne | 1943 | — | [175] |
2002 | John Mauchly | 1907 | 1980 | [176] |
2002 | M. Stephen Heilman | 1933 | — | [177] |
2002 | Michel Mirowski | 1924 | 1990 | [178] |
2002 | Morton Mower | 1933 | — | [179] |
2002 | Nils Bohlin | 1920 | 2002 | [180] |
2002 | Rangaswamy Srinivasan | 1929 | — | [181] |
2002 | Raymond Kurzweil | 1948 | — | [182] |
2002 | Rodney Bagley | 1934 | — | [183] |
2002 | Ronald M. Lewis | 1936 | — | [184] |
2002 | Samuel E. Blum | 1920 | 2013 | [185] |
2003 | Charles Kaman | 1919 | 2011 | [186] |
2003 | Edwin Albert Link | 1904 | 1981 | [187] |
2003 | Frank Cepollina | 1936 | — | [188] |
2003 | Frank Whittle | 1907 | 1996 | [189] |
2003 | George Robert Carruthers | 1939 | 2020 | [190] |
2003 | Glenn Curtiss | 1878 | 1930 | [191] |
2003 | Hans von Ohain | 1911 | 1998 | [192] |
2003 | Harold Rosen | 1926 | 2017 | [193] |
2003 | John Knudsen Northrop | 1895 | 1981 | [194] |
2003 | Leroy Grumman | 1895 | 1982 | [195] |
2003 | Maxime Faget | 1921 | 2004 | [196] |
2003 | Paul Kollsman | 1900 | 1982 | [197] |
2003 | Richard T. Whitcomb | 1921 | 2009 | [198] |
2003 | Sam B. Williams | 1921 | 2009 | [199] |
2003 | Theodore von Kármán | 1881 | 1963 | [200] |
2003 | Thomas Midgley Jr. | 1889 | 1944 | [201] |
2003 | John R. Pierce* | 1910 | 2002 | [202] |
2004 | Bernard M. Oliver | 1916 | 1995 | [203] |
2004 | Bradford Parkinson | 1935 | — | [204] |
2004 | Charles Best | 1899 | 1978 | [205] |
2004 | Charles Kelman | 1930 | 2004 | [206] |
2004 | Edith M. Flanigen | 1929 | — | [207] |
2004 | Elias Howe | 1819 | 1867 | [208] |
2004 | Frederick Banting | 1891 | 1941 | [209] |
2004 | Harry Coover | 1917 | 2011 | [210] |
2004 | Ivan A. Getting | 1912 | 2003 | [211] |
2004 | James Collip | 1892 | 1965 | [212] |
2004 | John A. Roebling | 1806 | 1869 | [213] |
2004 | John Heysham Gibbon | 1903 | 1973 | [214] |
2004 | Lloyd Hall | 1894 | 1971 | [215] |
2004 | Luc Montagnier | 1932 | — | [216] |
2004 | Norbert Rillieux | 1806 | 1894 | [217] |
2004 | Ray Dolby | 1933 | 2013 | [218] |
2004 | Robert Gallo | 1937 | — | [219] |
2004 | Vannevar Bush | 1890 | 1974 | [220] |
2004 | Wallace H. Coulter | 1913 | 1998 | [221] |
2004 | Claude Shannon* | 1916 | 2001 | [222] |
2005 | Alec Jeffreys | 1950 | — | [223] |
2005 | C. Donald Bateman | 1932 | — | [224] |
2005 | Clarence Birdseye | 1886 | 1956 | [225] |
2005 | Dean Kamen | 1951 | — | [226] |
2005 | Garrett A. Morgan | 1887 | 1963 | [227] |
2005 | Glenn T. Seaborg | 1912 | 1999 | [228] |
2005 | Jacob Rabinow | 1910 | 1999 | [229] |
2005 | Leo Sternbach | 1908 | 2005 | [230] |
2005 | Leopold Godowsky Jr. | 1900 | 1983 | [231] |
2005 | Leopold Mannes | 1899 | 1964 | [232] |
2005 | Les Paul | 1915 | 2009 | [233] |
2005 | Matthias W. Baldwin | 1795 | 1866 | [234] |
2005 | Robert Gundlach | 1926 | 2010 | [235] |
2005 | Selman Waksman | 1888 | 1973 | [236] |
2006 | Alexander Lyman Holley | 1832 | 1882 | [237] |
2006 | Alexander Winton | 1860 | 1932 | [238] |
2006 | Ali Javan | 1926 | 2016 | [239] |
2006 | Almon Brown Strowger | 1839 | 1902 | [240] |
2006 | Ambrose Swasey | 1846 | 1937 | [241] |
2006 | Andrew Jackson Beard | 1849 | 1921 | [242] |
2006 | Andrew Smith Hallidie | 1836 | 1900 | [243] |
2006 | Benjamin Holt | 1849 | 1920 | [244] |
2006 | Beulah Louise Henry | 1887 | 1973 | [245] |
2006 | Birdsill Holly | 1820 | 1894 | [246] |
2006 | Bob Kahn | 1938 | — | [247] |
2006 | Carl Bosch | 1874 | 1940 | [248] |
2006 | Charles F. Brush | 1849 | 1929 | [249] |
2006 | Charles Grafton Page | 1812 | 1868 | [250] |
2006 | Charles Sumner Tainter | 1854 | 1940 | [251] |
2006 | Dale Kleist | 1909 | 1998 | [252] |
2006 | Eckley Coxe | 1839 | 1895 | [253] |
2006 | Edward A. Calahan | 1838 | 1912 | [254] |
2006 | Edward Weston | 1850 | 1936 | [255] |
2006 | Elihu Thomson | 1853 | 1937 | [256] |
2006 | Erastus Brigham Bigelow | 1814 | 1879 | [257] |
2006 | Ferdinand von Zeppelin | 1838 | 1917 | [258] |
2006 | Frank J. Sprague | 1857 | 1934 | [259] |
2006 | Fritz Haber | 1868 | 1934 | [260] |
2006 | Gail Borden | 1801 | 1874 | [261] |
2006 | Games Slayter | 1896 | 1964 | [262] |
2006 | George E. Smith | 1930 | — | [263] |
2006 | George Henry Corliss | 1817 | 1888 | [264] |
2006 | George Hulett | 1846 | 1923 | [265] |
2006 | George Pullman | 1831 | 1897 | [266] |
2006 | Gideon Sundback | 1880 | 1954 | [267] |
2006 | Gottlieb Daimler | 1834 | 1900 | [268] |
2006 | Granville Woods | 1856 | 1910 | [269] |
2006 | Gregory Goodwin Pincus | 1903 | 1967 | [270] |
2006 | Harvey Samuel Firestone | 1868 | 1938 | [271] |
2006 | Helen Blanchard | 1840 | 1922 | [272] |
2006 | Herman Affel | 1893 | 1972 | [273] |
2006 | Hiram Stevens Maxim | 1840 | 1916 | [274] |
2006 | Jacques E. Brandenberger | 1872 | 1954 | [275] |
2006 | James M. Spangler | 1848 | 1915 | [276] |
2006 | Jan Ernst Matzeliger | 1852 | 1889 | [277] |
2006 | John Boyd Dunlop | 1840 | 1921 | [278] |
2006 | John H. Thomas | 1907 | 1991 | [279] |
2006 | John Harvey Kellogg | 1852 | 1943 | [280] |
2006 | John Landis Mason | 1832 | 1902 | [281] |
2006 | John Wesley Hyatt | 1837 | 1920 | [282] |
2006 | John Fitch | 1743 | 1798 | [283] |
2006 | John Stevens | 1749 | 1838 | [284] |
2006 | Joseph Glidden | 1813 | 1906 | [285] |
2006 | Joseph Saxton | 1799 | 1873 | [286] |
2006 | Josephine Cochrane | 1839 | 1913 | [287] |
2006 | Julio Palmaz | 1945 | — | [288] |
2006 | Lester Allan Pelton | 1829 | 1908 | [289] |
2006 | Lewis Howard Latimer | 1848 | 1928 | [290] |
2006 | Lewis Miller | 1829 | 1899 | [291] |
2006 | Lewis Waterman | 1837 | 1901 | [292] |
2006 | Linus Yale Jr. | 1821 | 1868 | [293] |
2006 | Louis Renault | 1877 | 1944 | [294] |
2006 | Margaret E. Knight | 1838 | 1914 | [295] |
2006 | Martha Coston | 1826 | 1904 | [296] |
2006 | Mary Dixon Kies | 1752 | 1837 | [297] |
2006 | Milton Bradley | 1836 | 1911 | [298] |
2006 | Moses G. Farmer | 1820 | 1893 | [299] |
2006 | Peter Cooper | 1791 | 1883 | [300] |
2006 | Richard March Hoe | 1812 | 1886 | [301] |
2006 | Robert S. Langer | 1948 | — | [302] |
2006 | Robert W. Gore | 1937 | 2020 | [303] |
2006 | Robert Fulton | 1765 | 1815 | [304] |
2006 | Samuel Colt | 1814 | 1862 | [305] |
2006 | Seth Boyden | 1788 | 1870 | [306] |
2006 | Simon Ingersoll | 1818 | 1894 | [307] |
2006 | Thomas Blanchard | 1788 | 1864 | [308] |
2006 | Vint Cerf | 1943 | — | [309] |
2006 | Walter Hunt | 1796 | 1859 | [310] |
2006 | Willard Boyle | 1924 | 2011 | [311] |
2006 | William E. Upjohn | 1853 | 1932 | [312] |
2006 | William Painter | 1838 | 1906 | [313] |
2006 | Zénobe Gramme | 1826 | 1901 | [314] |
2006 | Lloyd Espenschied* | 1889 | 1986 | [315] |
2007 | László Bíró | 1899 | 1985 | [316] |
2007 | Albert Kingsbury | 1863 | 1943 | [317] |
2007 | Alexander Miles | 1838 | 1918 | [318] |
2007 | Alfred Einhorn | 1856 | 1917 | [319] |
2007 | Alpheus Babcock | 1785 | 1842 | [320] |
2007 | Arthur Nobile | 1920 | 2004 | [321] |
2007 | Auguste Lumière | 1862 | 1954 | [322] |
2007 | Charles Seeberger | 1857 | 1931 | [323] |
2007 | David Cushman | 1939 | 2000 | [324] |
2007 | Donald Davies | 1924 | 2000 | [325] |
2007 | Eli Whitney Blake | 1795 | 1886 | [326] |
2007 | Eli Terry | 1772 | 1852 | [327] |
2007 | Elisha Gray | 1835 | 1901 | [328] |
2007 | Emmett Chappelle | 1925 | 2019 | [329] |
2007 | Frank Zamboni | 1901 | 1988 | [330] |
2007 | Frederick Ellsworth Sickels | 1819 | 1895 | [331] |
2007 | Frederick McKinley Jones | 1893 | 1961 | [332] |
2007 | George Crompton | 1829 | 1886 | [333] |
2007 | Georges Claude | 1870 | 1960 | [334] |
2007 | Godfrey Hounsfield | 1919 | 2004 | [335] |
2007 | James Bogardus | 1800 | 1874 | [336] |
2007 | Jesse W. Reno | 1861 | 1947 | [337] |
2007 | John E. Franz | 1929 | — | [338] |
2007 | John Philip Holland | 1841 | 1914 | [339] |
2007 | John Raphael Rogers | 1856 | 1934 | [340] |
2007 | John Browning | 1855 | 1926 | [341] |
2007 | John Lynott | 1921 | 1994 | [342] |
2007 | Joshua Lionel Cowen | 1877 | 1965 | [343] |
2007 | Katharine Burr Blodgett | 1898 | 1979 | [344] |
2007 | King Camp Gillette | 1855 | 1932 | [345] |
2007 | L. L. Langstroth | 1810 | 1895 | [346] |
2007 | Leroy Hood | 1938 | — | [347] |
2007 | Louis Comfort Tiffany | 1848 | 1933 | [348] |
2007 | Louis Lumière | 1864 | 1948 | [349] |
2007 | Maurice Hilleman | 1919 | 2005 | [350] |
2007 | Michael Joseph Owens | 1859 | 1923 | [351] |
2007 | Miguel Ondetti | 1930 | 2004 | [352] |
2007 | Ole Evinrude | 1877 | 1934 | [353] |
2007 | Oliver Lodge | 1851 | 1940 | [354] |
2007 | Otto Wichterle | 1913 | 1998 | [355] |
2007 | Paul Baran | 1926 | 2011 | [356] |
2007 | Peter Carl Goldmark | 1906 | 1977 | [357] |
2007 | Peter Mansfield | 1933 | 2017 | [358] |
2007 | Philip Drinker | 1894 | 1972 | [359] |
2007 | Richard Gurley Drew | 1899 | 1980 | [360] |
2007 | Samuel Leeds Allen | 1841 | 1918 | [361] |
2007 | Samuel Slater | 1768 | 1835 | [362] |
2007 | Squire Whipple | 1804 | 1888 | [363] |
2007 | Theophilus Van Kannel | 1841 | 1919 | [364] |
2007 | Thomas R. Pickering | 1831 | 1895 | [365] |
2007 | Thomas Seavey Hall | 1827 | 1880 | [366] |
2007 | Wilhelm Maybach | 1846 | 1929 | [367] |
2007 | William Goddard | 1913 | 1997 | [368] |
2007 | William Sellers | 1824 | 1905 | [369] |
2007 | Paul Lauterbur* | 1929 | 2007 | [370] |
2007 | Robert Metcalfe* | 1946 | — | [371] |
2008 | Amar Bose | 1929 | 2013 | [372] |
2008 | Calvin Fuller | 1902 | 1994 | [373] |
2008 | Clarence Johnson | 1910 | 1990 | [374] |
2008 | Daryl Chapin | 1906 | 1995 | [375] |
2008 | David Pall | 1914 | 2004 | [376] |
2008 | Erna Schneider Hoover | 1926 | — | [377] |
2008 | Gerald Pearson | 1905 | 1987 | [378] |
2008 | Harold McMaster | 1916 | 2003 | [379] |
2008 | John Charnley | 1911 | 1982 | [380] |
2008 | Kenneth Richardson | 1939 | — | [381] |
2008 | Louis Stevens | 1925 | 2009 | [382] |
2008 | Malcom McLean | 1913 | 2001 | [383] |
2008 | Ray McIntire | 1918 | 1996 | [384] |
2008 | Robert Adler | 1913 | 2007 | [385] |
2008 | Ruth R. Benerito | 1916 | 2013 | [386] |
2008 | Willem Einthoven | 1860 | 1927 | [387] |
2008 | William P. Murphy Jr. | 1923 | — | [388] |
2008 | Amos E. Joel Jr.* | 1918 | 2008 | [389] |
2008 | Nick Holonyak* | 1928 | — | [390] |
2009 | Bob Widlar | 1937 | 1991 | [391] |
2009 | Carver Mead | 1934 | — | [392] |
2009 | Dawon Kahng | 1931 | 1992 | [393] |
2009 | Dov Frohman | 1939 | — | [394] |
2009 | Frank Wanlass | 1933 | 2010 | [395] |
2009 | Jean Hoerni | 1924 | 1997 | [396] |
2009 | John MacDougall | 1940 | — | [397] |
2009 | Ken Manchester | 1925 | 2014 | [398] |
2009 | Larry J. Hornbeck | 1943 | — | [399] |
2009 | Mohamed M. Atalla | 1924 | 2009 | [400] |
2009 | Ross Freeman | 1948 | 1989 | [401] |
2009 | Alfred Y. Cho* | 1937 | — | [402] |
2009 | George H. Heilmeier* | 1936 | 2014 | [403] |
2009 | Gordon Kidd Teal* | 1907 | 2003 | [404] |
2009 | Gordon Moore* | 1929 | — | [405] |
2010 | Arthur Fry | 1931 | — | [406] |
2010 | Émile Gagnan | 1900 | 1979 | [407] |
2010 | Field H. Winslow | 1916 | 2009 | [408] |
2010 | Francis P. Bundy | 1910 | 2008 | [409] |
2010 | Herbert M. Strong | 1908 | 2002 | [410] |
2010 | Jacques Cousteau | 1910 | 1997 | [411] |
2010 | Judah Folkman | 1933 | 2008 | [412] |
2010 | Ralph Baer | 1922 | 2014 | [413] |
2010 | Robert H. Wentorf Jr. | 1926 | 1997 | [414] |
2010 | Roger L. Easton | 1921 | 2014 | [415] |
2010 | S. Donald Stookey | 1915 | 2014 | [416] |
2010 | Spencer Silver | 1941 | — | [417] |
2010 | Tracy Hall | 1919 | 2008 | [418] |
2010 | Vincent Lanza | 1922 | 1972 | [419] |
2010 | Walter Lincoln Hawkins | 1911 | 1992 | [420] |
2010 | Yvonne Brill | 1924 | 2013 | [421] |
2011 | Albert Dick | 1856 | 1934 | [422] |
2011 | Bernard Silver | 1924 | 1963 | [423] |
2011 | Carl Auer von Welsbach | 1858 | 1929 | [424] |
2011 | Carleton Ellis | 1876 | 1941 | [425] |
2011 | Charles Francis Jenkins | 1867 | 1934 | [426] |
2011 | Clarence Kemp | c. 1860 | 1911 | [427] |
2011 | Eadweard Muybridge | 1830 | 1904 | [428] |
2011 | Edwin Binney | 1866 | 1934 | [429] |
2011 | Eric Fossum | 1957 | — | [430] |
2011 | Esther Sans Takeuchi | 1953 | — | [431] |
2011 | Eugene Sullivan | 1872 | 1962 | [432] |
2011 | François Hennebique | 1842 | 1921 | [433] |
2011 | Frederic Eugene Ives | 1856 | 1937 | [434] |
2011 | Gary K. Michelson | 1949 | — | [435] |
2011 | George Ashley Campbell | 1870 | 1954 | [436] |
2011 | George Devol | 1912 | 2011 | [437] |
2011 | Hannibal Goodwin | 1822 | 1900 | [438] |
2011 | Henry F. Phillips | 1890 | 1958 | [439] |
2011 | Henry M. Leland | 1843 | 1932 | [440] |
2011 | James Ritty | 1836 | 1918 | [441] |
2011 | John Hays Hammond Jr. | 1888 | 1965 | [442] |
2011 | John Ritty | 1834 | 1913 | [443] |
2011 | Martin Hellman | 1945 | — | [444] |
2011 | Mary Anderson | 1866 | 1953 | [445] |
2011 | Michael Pupin* | 1858 | 1935 | [446] |
2011 | Norman Joseph Woodland | 1921 | 2012 | [447] |
2011 | Peter Cooper Hewitt | 1861 | 1921 | [448] |
2011 | Ralph Merkle | 1952 | — | [449] |
2011 | Rollin H. White | 1872 | 1962 | [450] |
2011 | Stanley Macomber | 1887 | 1967 | [451] |
2011 | Steven Sasson | 1950 | — | [452] |
2011 | Thomas A. Watson | 1854 | 1934 | [453] |
2011 | Thomas E. Murray | 1860 | 1929 | [454] |
2011 | Thomas Armat | 1866 | 1948 | [455] |
2011 | Valdemar Poulsen | 1869 | 1942 | [456] |
2011 | Wallace Clement Sabine | 1868 | 1919 | [457] |
2011 | Walther Nernst | 1864 | 1941 | [458] |
2011 | Warren Marrison | 1896 | 1980 | [459] |
2011 | Whitfield Diffie | 1944 | — | [460] |
2012 | Akira Endo | 1933 | — | [461] |
2012 | Alejandro Zaffaroni | 1923 | 2014 | [462] |
2012 | Barbara Liskov | 1939 | — | [463] |
2012 | David A. Thompson | 1940 | — | [464] |
2012 | Gary Starkweather | 1938 | 2019 | [465] |
2012 | Lubomyr Romankiw | 1931 | — | [466] |
2012 | Steve Jobs | 1955 | 2011 | [467] |
2012 | C. Kumar N. Patel* | 1938 | — | [468] |
2012 | Dennis Gabor* | 1900 | 1979 | [469] |
2012 | Mária Telkes* | 1900 | 1995 | [470] |
2013 | Alfred Loomis | 1887 | 1975 | [471] |
2013 | Andrew Viterbi | 1935 | — | [472] |
2013 | Aran Safir | 1926 | 2007 | [473] |
2013 | Arthur Ashkin | 1922 | 2020 | [474] |
2013 | Donald Bitzer | 1934 | — | [475] |
2013 | Garrett Brown | 1942 | — | [476] |
2013 | Grote Reber | 1911 | 2002 | [477] |
2013 | H. Gene Slottow | 1921 | 1989 | [478] |
2013 | Irwin M. Jacobs | 1933 | — | [479] |
2013 | John Birden | 1918 | 2011 | [480] |
2013 | John Daugman | 1954 | — | [481] |
2013 | Joseph Lechleider | 1933 | 2015 | [482] |
2013 | Kenneth Jordan | 1921 | 2008 | [483] |
2013 | Leonard Flom | 1927 | — | [484] |
2013 | Robert H. Willson | 1936 | — | [485] |
2013 | Robert Moog | 1934 | 2005 | [486] |
2013 | Samuel W. Alderson | 1914 | 2005 | [487] |
2014 | Ashok Gadgil | 1950 | — | [488] |
2014 | Benjamin Durfee | 1897 | 1980 | [489] |
2014 | Bill Bowerman | 1911 | 1999 | [490] |
2014 | Chuck Hull | 1939 | — | [491] |
2014 | Clair Lake | 1888 | 1958 | [492] |
2014 | David Crosthwait | 1898 | 1976 | [493] |
2014 | Frances Arnold | 1956 | — | [494] |
2014 | Francis E. Hamilton | 1898 | 1972 | [495] |
2014 | George Antheil | 1900 | 1959 | [496] |
2014 | Hedy Lamarr | 1914 | 2000 | [497] |
2014 | Howard Aiken | 1900 | 1973 | [498] |
2014 | Mildred Dresselhaus | 1930 | 2017 | [499] |
2014 | Otis Boykin | 1920 | 1982 | [500] |
2014 | Richard DiMarchi | 1952 | — | [501] |
2014 | Willis Whitfield | 1919 | 2012 | [502] |
2015 | Charles R. Drew | 1904 | 1950 | [503] |
2015 | Edith Clarke | 1883 | 1959 | [504] |
2015 | Gary D. Sharp | 1962 | — | [505] |
2015 | George Edward Alcorn Jr. | 1940 | — | [506] |
2015 | Ioannis Yannas | 1935 | — | [507] |
2015 | Jaap Haartsen | 1963 | — | [508] |
2015 | John F. Burke | 1922 | 2011 | [509] |
2015 | Kristina M. Johnson | 1957 | — | [510] |
2015 | Marion Donovan | 1917 | 1998 | [511] |
2015 | Mary-Dell Chilton | 1939 | — | [512] |
2015 | Paul B. MacCready | 1925 | 2007 | [513] |
2015 | Shuji Nakamura | 1954 | — | [514] |
2015 | Stanford R. Ovshinsky | 1922 | 2012 | [515] |
2015 | Thomas Jennings | 1791 | 1859 | [516] |
2016 | Bantval Jayant Baliga | 1948 | — | [517] |
2016 | Barrett Comiskey | 1975 | — | [518] |
2016 | Harriet Strong | 1844 | 1926 | [519] |
2016 | Ivan Sutherland | 1938 | — | [520] |
2016 | JD Albert | 1975 | — | [521] |
2016 | John Silliker | 1922 | 2015 | [522] |
2016 | Joseph Jacobson | 1965 | — | [523] |
2016 | Per-Ingvar Brånemark | 1929 | 2014 | [524] |
2016 | Radia Perlman | 1951 | — | [525] |
2016 | Robert M. Thomas | 1908 | 1984 | [526] |
2016 | Roger Angel | 1941 | — | [527] |
2016 | Roger Bacon | 1926 | 2007 | [528] |
2016 | Sheldon Kaplan | 1939 | 2009 | [529] |
2016 | Victor Lawrence | 1945 | — | [530] |
2016 | Welton Taylor | 1919 | 2012 | [531] |
2016 | William Sparks | 1905 | 1976 | [532] |
2017 | Allene Jeanes | 1906 | 1995 | [533] |
2017 | Augustine Sackett | 1841 | 1914 | [534] |
2017 | Beatrice Hicks | 1919 | 1979 | [535] |
2017 | Carolyn Bertozzi | 1966 | — | [536] |
2017 | Daniel Lewin | 1970 | 2001 | [537] |
2017 | Don Arney | 1947 | — | [538] |
2017 | Earle Dickson | 1892 | 1961 | [539] |
2017 | Eli Harari | 1945 | — | [540] |
2017 | Frances Ligler | 1951 | — | [541] |
2017 | Haren S. Gandhi | 1941 | 2010 | [542] |
2017 | Harold E. Froehlich | 1922 | 2007 | [543] |
2017 | Howard Head | 1914 | 1991 | [544] |
2017 | Iver Anderson | 1953 | — | [545] |
2017 | Marshall Jones | 1941 | — | [546] |
2017 | Tom Leighton | 1956 | — | [547] |
2018 | Adi Shamir | 1952 | — | [548] |
2018 | Arogyaswami Paulraj | 1944 | — | [549] |
2018 | Ching W. Tang | 1947 | — | [550] |
2018 | Howard S. Jones | 1921 | 2005 | [551] |
2018 | Jacqueline Quinn | 1967 | — | [552] |
2018 | Joseph Shivers | 1920 | 2014 | [553] |
2018 | Leonard Adleman | 1945 | — | [554] |
2018 | Marvin H. Caruthers | 1940 | — | [555] |
2018 | Mary Engle Pennington | 1872 | 1952 | [556] |
2018 | Paul Terasaki | 1929 | 2016 | [557] |
2018 | Ronald Rivest | 1947 | — | [558] |
2018 | Stan Honey | 1955 | — | [559] |
2018 | Steven Van Slyke | 1956 | — | [560] |
2018 | Sumita Mitra | 1949 | — | [561] |
2018 | Warren S. Johnson | 1847 | 1911 | [562] |
2019 | Alonzo G. Decker Jr. | 1884 | 1956 | [563] |
2019 | Andrew Higgins | 1886 | 1952 | [564] |
2019 | Chieko Asakawa | 1958 | — | [565] |
2019 | David Wait | 1953 | — | [566] |
2019 | Dennis Ritchie | 1941 | 2011 | [567] |
2019 | Edmund O. Schweitzer III | 1947 | — | [568] |
2019 | Frederick Novello | 1916 | 1986 | [569] |
2019 | James Sprague | 1909 | 2000 | [570] |
2019 | James Truchard | 1943 | — | [571] |
2019 | Jeff Kodosky | 1949 | — | [572] |
2019 | John Baer | 1917 | 2003 | [573] |
2019 | Joseph C. Muhler | 1923 | 1996 | [574] |
2019 | Joseph Lee | 1849 | 1908 | [575] |
2019 | Karl H. Beyer Jr. | 1914 | 1996 | [576] |
2019 | Ken Thompson | 1943 | — | [577] |
2019 | Rebecca Richards-Kortum | 1964 | — | [578] |
2019 | S. Duncan Black | 1883 | 1951 | [579] |
2019 | William J. Warner | 1955 | — | [580] |
2019 | William Nebergall | 1914 | 1978 | [581] |
2020 | Dana Bookbinder | 1956 | — | [582] |
2020 | Edward W. Bullard | 1893 | 1963 | [583] |
2020 | Edward Sisler | 1930 | 2016 | [584] |
2020 | Evelyn Berezin | 1925 | 2018 | [585] |
2020 | Floyd Smith | 1884 | 1956 | [586] |
2020 | Frank Zybach | 1894 | 1980 | [587] |
2020 | Harry Cameron | 1872 | 1928 | [588] |
2020 | Hinda Miller | 1950 | — | [589] |
2020 | James Abercrombie | 1891 | 1975 | [590] |
2020 | James McEwen | 1948 | — | [591] |
2020 | John Nicholson | 1925 | 1983 | [592] |
2020 | Lisa Lindahl | 1948 | — | [593] |
2020 | Margaret Wu | 1950 | — | [594] |
2020 | Mick Mountz | 1965 | — | [595] |
2020 | Ming-Jun Li | 1959 | — | [596] |
2020 | Peter Wurman | 1965 | — | [597] |
2020 | Polly Smith | 1949 | — | [598] |
2020 | Pushkar Tandon | 1967 | — | [599] |
2020 | R. Rox Anderson | 1950 | — | [600] |
2020 | Raffaelo D'Andrea | 1967 | — | [601] |
2020 | Stewart Adams | 1923 | 2019 | [602] |
2020 | Sylvia Blankenship | 1954 | — | [603] |
2022 | Carl Benz | 1844 | 1929 | [604] |
2022 | James Buchanan Eads | 1820 | 1887 | [605] |
2022 | Lonnie Johnson | 1949 | — | [606] |
2022 | Marian Croak | 1955 | — | [607] |
2022 | Patricia Bath | 1942 | 2019 | [608] |
2023 | Angela Hartley Brodie | 1934 | 2017 | [609] |
2023 | Cyril Keller | 1922 | 2020 | [610] |
2023 | Drew Weissman | 1959 | — | [611] |
2023 | Emmanuelle Charpentier | 1968 | — | [612] |
2023 | James A. Parsons Jr. | 1900 | 1989 | [613] |
2023 | Jennifer Doudna | 1964 | — | [614] |
2023 | Katalin Karikó | 1955 | — | [615] |
2023 | Louis Keller | 1923 | 2010 | [616] |
2023 | Luis von Ahn | 1978 | — | [617] |
2023 | Lynn Conway | 1938 | — | [618] |
2023 | Marjorie Stewart Joyner | 1896 | 1994 | [619] |
2023 | Philippe Horvath | 1970 | — | [620] |
2023 | Robert Bryant | 1962 | — | [621] |
2023 | Rodolphe Barrangou | 1975 | — | [622] |
2023 | Roger Tsien | 1952 | 2016 | [623] |
2023 | Rory Cooper | 1959 | — | [624] |
Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.