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QuestionHow do I do 2 chin ups in a week?Michele DolanMichele Dolan is a Fitness Trainer based in Sidney, British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002, and was certified as a Personal Trainer by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). Michele is also a Registered Clinical Counselor, and uses her 20+ years of fitness coaching experience to help clients understand their mind-body connection. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) and Certified Clinical Counsellor (CCC), certified by the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. In her work, Michele uses the tools of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. She practices and teaches mindfulness and acceptance in all of her coaching work. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology.
Certified Fitness TrainerStart by just holding the chin up at the top and try 3-5 holds for up to 30 seconds. After resting a few days, try lowering half way down so elbows are about the same height as your shoulders and pull up from there. Try 3 times to do as much as you can ( 2-5 reps). Rest another few days. Then try the full chin up. Good luck and be persistent. It might take longer than a week but you will feel a great sense of accomplishment once you get it! -
QuestionWill this exercise make me stronger?Community AnswerOf course it will. It's terribly hard but a great exercise once you get the hang of it.
QuestionCan I do a chin up as 10-year-old?Community AnswerYes, if you train right. It helps to strengthen your arm muscles, then try to do a pull up.
QuestionI'm 46. Is that to old to be able to get strong enough to do chin ups?Community AnswerNo, many people your age can do chin ups. Keep in mind that if you haven't been working out for a while, it will take a lot of work to get there.
QuestionWill chin-ups increase my height as an 18-year-old?Community AnswerNo. Chin-ups will not increase your height, although it will increase your muscle mass.
QuestionWhat are the exercises that I can do at home to strengthen my arms enough to perform chin ups?Community AnswerYou can work out your biceps by doing push ups and bicep curls. You should also work out your triceps.
QuestionCan I learn to do eight chin ups within 10 days?LachlannCommunity AnswerYes. If you try hard enough, you will be able to do it. Eight chin ups can be done in 10 days if you are committed and really try. It won't be easy, but it's possible.
QuestionCan I improve three chinups within four days?Community AnswerIt is possible depending on how hard you work.
QuestionHow can I get stronger to pull myself up?Community AnswerFor pulling yourself up, you have to have a powerful arm muscles, which means you have to work on your arm strength. Confer with a trainer, if possible, or search "chin up workout for beginners" online.
QuestionI am 15-years-old and I go to the gym, are there any health risks at my age?Community AnswerWhen you're young just be careful of overdoing it with weights. Calisthenics and cardio are the best option for your growth until you stop gaining height.
QuestionAre chin ups or pull ups better for wider lats?Community AnswerThe main function of the latissimus dorsi is to extend the shoulder. Shoulder extension occurs during both the pull-up and chin-up.
QuestioniIm a girl––do you think it’ll help me be fit?Community AnswerYes, it will. But you won't see results as quickly as guys will because girls don't have as much testosterone. it will definitely make your arms look bigger and firmer.
QuestionI have been able to do six chin ups in a row, but after one hour I can't even do two! Will I be able to do more the next day?Community AnswerYes, as your lats will be well-rested. If they're too sore, give them another day to rest and try again the following day. If you continue to do them daily, the number you can do per set will increase (and the amount of rest required between sets will decrease).
QuestionI can do about 20 chin-ups non-stop, but I can only do 4 pull-ups at most. I have been working on it as long as I have been working on doing chin-ups; how do I get better at pull-ups?Tom De BackerTop AnswererIt could be that you're doing some specific little thing wrong, so ask a PT or trainer for advice. But in general, all you need is to do more pull-ups. It may be a bit disappointing, but there really isn't more to it than to just do it more often. You can use an elastic band under your feet to reduce some of the weight and jump up to the top position, then lower yourself as slowly as possible. Keep doing it, and it will go more smoothly soon.
QuestionWill my bicept get bigger if I do 10 sets of 20 reps each day?Community AnswerIt will become more toned. If you want size, do 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps. If you can lift more than 12 on a set, your weights are too light. If you can not achieve 8 reps, you are too heavy. You really want to be dying to hit that eighth rep. This will give you best size results.
QuestionHow do I increase the number of chin-ups I can do if I am a preteen?Community AnswerI find starting out with pushups and then moving over to chin-ups helps. For me, pushups are a little easier, and it also helped build up some of my arm strength.
QuestionI'm 15 years old. Is it safe to do chin-ups while I'm still growing?Community AnswerYes, it is perfectly safe for a teenager to do chin-ups, and most other exercises.
QuestionI am 73, male, 145 lbs, 174 cm. Is it too late to start chin ups?Community AnswerDepending on your current physical fitness, you may have to start slowly. If you don't have the ability and strength yet, try doing some weight training exercises, They'll gradually help strengthen your muscles and prevent falls. Preferably, you should consult your doctor first so he can assess your current physical state and decide whether or not chin-ups are too vigorous of an activity for you. It may take awhile, but consistently building your strength and practicing good technique when going for a chin-up will make your journey easier and more enjoyable! Good luck!
QuestionI am 17 years old and I do pull up 20 times a day is is safe and will it increase my body mass as I am lean and thinCommunity AnswerYes, it will, the reason for your smaller shape might be due to high metabolism or diet. So try eating more protein-rich foods and pair them with other exercises as well.
QuestionHow do I increase the number of chin-ups that I am doing?Community AnswerKeep adding an additional chin-up to your sets each time you work out, and allow your muscles a day between workouts to heal and grow larger and stronger.
QuestionI have 175cm height and 65kg weight and I am 18 years old. I do pushups daily, more than 100, but only one chin up, as it is very difficult. What I do at that situation?Raphael KeyTop AnswererBuy some resistance bands and loop over your bar so you can get a foot or knee into it. this will make chin ups easier for you and after some time, increasing your reps, take away the band or move to a smaller band. at 65kg don't get a resistance band with more than 45kgs in resistance. I'm 185cm and 117kg and I use a 60kg resistance band to assist my pulls and chins. if you can't get resistance bands then try other exercises like Inverted rows, or watch the recent pull up video on Alan Thrall's YouTube channel.
QuestionMy arms keep aching after doing a few chin-ups. How do I prevent that?Community AnswerFirst of all, your arms are supposed to hurt, especially if you are just getting started. But if chin ups are to hard for you to do, you can start using assistance machines or equipment to provide some assistance so you can do more reps and sets.
QuestionI'm 5 feet, 69 kg's and very fat. Can I do a chin-up?Asia MontgomaryCommunity AnswerAnyone can do a chin up! In fact, chin ups will help you lose weight, and then you will be able to do even more!
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