Amber Crain

Amber has 8 years of experience in content at wikiHow, where she writes articles and reviews articles written by other authors. She also has 15+ years of writing experience, including 5 years in marketing, writing press releases and product descriptions, and has published work in various music journalism contexts, including "The First Time I Heard..." series compiled by author Scott Heim. Amber earned a BA from the University of Houston, where she majored in Classical Studies and minored in Art/Painting. Amber also has professional experience as a radio DJ.


  • University of Houston, BA in Classical Language/Studies with a minor in Art and Painting


  • Radio, DJing, and Music
  • Arts/Entertainment
  • Journalism
  • Education
  • Marketing
  • Pop Culture
  • Mythology
  • Latin/Ancient Greek Languages
  • Beauty
  • Perfumery
  • Blogging


Amber is extremely passionate about learning and sharing knowledge. Empowering people to learn new things (and learning new things herself along the way) is her motivation and reason for being at wikiHow.

Secret Talents

Amber has been involved with perfume making as a hobby for several years. She’s also a lifelong music lover; she’s very involved with the online radio station that she DJs for, as well as with the local music scene in Austin.

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