Interested in mixing things up in the kitchen and deep frying some scallops? This little twist on the traditional seafood dish is sure to be a hit in your home. You can put deep-fried scallops on a bun, throw them in a sandwich, or eat them for dinner with some couscous and steamed vegetables. Here, we’ll break down everything you’ll need to know about deep frying scallops.


  • 1/4 pound of scallops
  • 1-2 eggs
  • Breadcrumbs
  • A slice of bread
  • Lemon wedges
  • Tartar sauce or red cocktail sauce
    • Tartar sauce: one-part mayonnaise, one-part green sweet relish. Stir
    • Red cocktail sauce: one-part ketchup, one-part horseradish.

Get your scallops.

  1. This recipe is for one pound.

Use a deep fryer or pan.

  1. This isn’t safe to do in a shallow container that can’t that can comfortably hold a couple of inches of oil.

Heat the oil.

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Deep Fried Scallops
    The oil must get extremely hot, so don’t leave the kitchen unattended.

Mix eggs and water.

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Deep Fried Scallops
    You don't want too thick of a batter.

Put breadcrumbs in a pie pan.

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Deep Fried Scallops
    You’ll toss the scallops in the crumbs after setting them in the eggs.

Test your oil.

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Deep Fried Scallops
    If the bread turns golden almost immediately, the oil is ready to go.[1]

Toss the scallops.

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Deep Fried Scallops
    Use a strainer spoon to remove the scallops from the egg and then set them in breadcrumbs. Toss to coat evenly.[2]

Fry the scallops.

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Deep Fried Scallops
    Carefully place spoonfuls of scallops into your hot oil.

Wait 3-4 minutes.

  1. You’ll have a delicious meal in no time![3]

Plate the scallops.

  1. Pat the scallops dry to remove the excess oil if you’d like.[4]

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What kind of breadcrumbs should I use?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Use panko.
  • Question
    What is best oil to fry scallops in?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Sunflower oil is the healthiest, sesame oil has the highest combustion point, but Carolan oil is the most widely used.
  • Question
    What is the small piece of meat that stands out from the rest of the scallop that some people remove before cooking?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It’s a little piece of muscle which can be easily removed with your fingers if desired.
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  • When working with hot oil, please be careful to put the Scallops in carefully, in small batches, turning the spoon away from the direction of your body.

Things You'll Need

  • Deep Fryer, or Deep Frying Pan
  • Oil
  • Slotted Spoon or Birds Nest

About this article

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wikiHow Test Kitchen
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 110,983 times.
5 votes - 56%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: August 5, 2022
Views: 110,983
Article SummaryX

To cook delicious deep-fried scallops, heat cooking oil in a deep fryer or a stovetop frying pan with deep sides. Crack 1 to 2 eggs into a bowl and add ¼ of a cup of water for each egg. Whisk the eggs and water together. Pour about 1 cup of breadcrumbs into a pie pan. Dip the scallops in the egg mixture, then toss them in the breadcrumbs to coat them evenly. When the oil in the fryer is hot enough to instantly turn a piece of bread golden, begin transferring the scallops into the oil using a spoon or tongs. Be very careful not to splash yourself with the hot oil. Your scallops should be ready to eat in 3 to 4 minutes. For ideas about how to serve your deep-fried scallops, read on!

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Reader Success Stories

  • Darryl Smith

    Darryl Smith

    Mar 25, 2023

    "They came out perfect. I added a few extra ingredients to the crumb. They tasted awesome."
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