Ott (record producer)

Ott (record producer)
Ott (record producer)  British Electronic Musician
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Ott (record producer) is a 56 year old British Electronic Musician born on 12th April, 1968 in London, England. Their zodiac sign is Aries

Ott (record producer) is a member of the following lists: 1968 births, English electronic musicians and English record producers.


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First Name Ott
Alternative Name Hikikomori, Umberloid
Birthday 12th April, 1968
Birthplace London, England
Zodiac Sign Aries
Nationality British
Occupation Electronic Musician
Music Genre (Text) Dub, ambient, trip hop, electronica, ethnic electronica, livetronica
Year(s) Active unknown, 2002-present, 2002–present
Record Label Twisted Records (UK)
Associated Acts Shpongle, The Orb
Official Websites

Ott (born 12 April 1968 in London, England) is a British record producer and musician who has worked with Sinéad O'Connor, Embrace, The Orb, and Brian Eno, and has achieved recognition since 2002 for his own psychedelic dub tracks and his collaborations with Simon Posford (Hallucinogen / Shpongle). He has released two albums on Twisted Records: Blumenkraft (2003), Skylon (2008) and two albums on Ottsonic: Mir (2011) and Fairchildren (2015).

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