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Famous People Born in 1921
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Allen, Steve
December 26
The original host of
The Tonight Show
Bentsen, Lloyd
February 11
Debater who said, "You're no Jack Kennedy"
Berrigan, Daniel
May 9
The anti-war priest hunted by the FBI
Bradlee, Ben
August 26
The editor of
The Washington Post
, 1968-91
Bronson, Charles
November 3
Star of the 1974 action movie
Death Wish
Channing, Carol
January 31
The long-running star of
Hello, Dolly!
Crocker, Betty
Fictional food expert for General Mills
Dangerfield, Rodney
November 22
The comedian who said "I don't get no respect"
Friedan, Betty
February 4
The author of 'The Feminine Mystique'
Garner, Erroll
June 15
The guy who wrote the song "Misty"
Glenn, John
July 18
The first American to orbit Earth
Haley, Alex
August 11
The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the book
Helms, Jesse
October 18
Conservative senator from North Carolina, 1973-2003
Highsmith, Patricia
January 19
The author of
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Hutton, Betty
February 26
The original "Blond Bombshell"
Jaffee, Al
March 13
The cartoonist who does
magazine fold-ins
Lem, Stanislaw
September 12
The author of
Montand, Yves
October 13
The French actor who starred in
The Wages of Fear
Mowat, Farley
May 12
The author of
Never Cry Wolf
Orkin, Ruth
September 3
Photographer of
An American Girl in Italy
Prince Philip
June 10
The husband of Queen Elizabeth II
Reagan, Nancy
July 6
First Lady of the United States, 1981-89
Roddenberry, Gene
August 19
Creator of TV's
Star Trek
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy
July 10
The founder of the Special Olympics
Turner, Lana
February 8
The sultry star of
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Vigoda, Abe
February 24
Detective Fish on TV's
Barney Miller
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in 1921
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