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Halloween World Records

Most Scarecrows in one location

  Largest Pumpkin - Chris Stevens


Largest Halloween Party - New Orleans Saints fans

 Largest Zumba Class - North Lanarkshire Leisure

Largest Superhero Gathering - Megamind event

Most Scarecrows in one location - Hoschton Scarecrow Stampede

Largest zombie gathering - Pittsburgh walk

   Largest gathering of Daleks - Manchester fans

    Largest Simultaneous Thriller Dance

 Most people doing the Thriller dance - Michael Jackson fans

Most people dressed in green - The Green Festival

   Largest Robot Dance - Simon Fraser University

    Most people dressed as Star Trek characters - Namco Bandai Partners

  Most Scuba Diving Santas - Yorkshire Divers Group

  Largest gathering of Santa's Elves - ABC Family

   Most Santas skating in a Conga Line-Warwick Castle

  Largest gathering of storybook characters-Carrs Glen Primary School

Largest gathering of people wearing underpants - NYC

  Largest Bride Parade - Bucharest

    Largest gathering of people dressed as Waldo - Rutgers University

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     Most people dressed as Star Trek characters 

    Largest gathering of people dressed as Waldo


        Largest Simultaneous Thriller Dance

         Hoschton 2008 Scarecrow Stampede


              Hoschton Scarecrows

        Hoschton GA Scarecrow World Record