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 World Record Academy

     Medical World Records  

     World's First      Mass Participation   

     Medical Collections      Youngest     Oldest

     Medical Devices        Other

Editor's choice
 Most Total Knee Replacements performed with Minimal Invasive Surgery: Dr. Jae Hoon Chung sets world record (VIDEO)

    Largest Awareness Ribbon Made of Footballs: world record set in Lebanon (VIDEO)

Laparoscopic Ovarian Cancer Staging Surgery on the Largest Tumor: Arizona doctors set world record (VIDEO)

Most Free Orthopaedics Surgeries: India sets world record (VIDEO)

Longest Day at the Optician: Teignmouth Specsavers sets world record

Most Iris observations and analysis: Lee Nam-han sets world record (VIDEO)

Most people making heart-shaped hand gestures: Carrefour Belgium breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

      World's First
First person in the world to have a kidney transplanted in place of her spleen: Italian girl sets world record
World's first 3D-printed pill: Spritam sets world record (VIDEO)

First woman to have baby after ovary frozen as child: Moaza Al Matrooshi sets world record (VIDEO)

 First successful penis transplant in US: Thomas Manning sets US record (VIDEO)

World's first successful penis transplant: Tygerberg Hospital sets world record (VIDEO)

 World's first skull and scalp transplant: Texas doctors set world record (VIDEO)

First Heartless Man: Craig Lewis sets world record (Video)

First 3D printed jaw transplant: 83-year-old woman sets world record (Video)

     First dolphin with a prosthetic tail: Winter the dolphin sets world record (Video)

    First esophagus transplant: Alannah Shevenell sets world record (Video)

Mass Participation
Largest simultaneous virtual reality experience: world record set in Boston

Largest shape of human lungs: world record set in India (VIDEO)

 Most people receiving Nasya panchkarma treatment simultaneously: world record set in India

 Most people on one scale: Scale Back Alabama breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)       

Largest Breathing Lesson: Teva breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

Largest Human DNA Helix: Bulgaria breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

Most transplant recipients in one place: One Legacy breaks Guinness World Records record

Most people to sign up as organ donors: India breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)   

Most people in a CPR relay: University of Manchester breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)
 Longest line of people using stethoscopes: Florida breaks Guinness World Records record

Most Blood Glucose Level Tests Conducted: India breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

    Most heart transplant recipients: Duke Medicine breaks Guinness World Records' record (VIDEO)

Largest Kidney Donor Chain: National Kidney Registry sets world record

Largest collection of human teeth: Dr. Nizar Abdul Rahman sets world record

 Youngest person to be cryogenically preserved: Matheryn Naovaratpong sets world record (VIDEO)

Youngest Open Heart Surgery Patient: Chanel Murrish breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

    Youngest heart surgery patient: Jasmine Carr sets world record

    Youngest MD: 21-year-old Sho Yano sets world record (PICS & Video)

Oldest mother: Anatolia Vertadella broke Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

World's oldest dental fillings: Italy sets world record (VIDEO)

  Oldest person to have dental implants: Filomena Battista breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

Oldest hip replacement patient: Gladys Hooper breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

Oldest living person with Down's syndrome: world record set by Kenny Cridge (VIDEO)

Oldest Cataract Surgery Patient: Guo Liansheng sets world record (Video)

Oldest Practicing Doctor: Dr Walter Watson

Oldest Surgery Patient: 100-year-old patient

    Medical Devices
World's first solar-powered mobile health clinic: Clemson University sets world record (VIDEO)

Smallest DNA tester: Spartan Bioscience sets world record (VIDEO)

World's first robotic eye surgery: John Radcliffe Hospital sets world record (VIDEO)

World's First Ibuprofen Patch: University of Warwick sets world record (VIDEO)

Longest lasting artificial hips: Norman Sharp broke Guinness World Records record

Smallest pacemaker: Medtronic breaks Guinness World Records' record (VIDEO)

Fastest Anti-aging Treatment: Synoia Technologies sets world record
    Most breast augmentation surgeries performed: Ted Eisenberg (Video)

   Slowest heart rate: Daniel Green breaks Guinness World Records record    

     Richest Doctor: Patrick Soon-Shiong sets world record (VIDEO)

Fastest time to analyze 1,000 human genomes: world record set by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Most medical board certifications: world record set by Dr. Hyun Joon Shin (VIDEO)

Most medical board certifications: Dr. Xiulu Ruan breaks world record (PICS)

Heaviest kidney tumor removed: world record set in India (VIDEO)

    Longest tooth extracted: world record set by Jaimin Patel

    Laparoscopic Ovarian Cancer Staging Surgery on the Largest Tumor: Arizona doctors set world record (VIDEO)

  Longest interval between birth of twins: Irish twins break Guinness world record   

  Most Breastmilk Donated: Alicia Richman sets world record (VIDEO)   

   Most whole blood donations: Phil Baird   

   Most eye operations: Tatyarao Lahane

   Most kidney stones removed from a patient: Dr. Ashish Rawandale

   Largest Breast Implants: Sheyla Hershey

   Hairiest Girl: Thai girl Supatra Sasuphan


    [World Record Certificate



           Largest torch-lit parade

 Richest Cat: Italian Feline Tommaso

 Youngest to ski to the South Pole


