Comment by crankmonkey
tower 67, 39bridge 66,39
barracks 63,40
dwelling 65,40
Comment by Norrec
Upon completing this quest and Baleheim Bodycount, Sergeant Gorth gives the quest The Ambush.Comment by 245972
i didnt get to do it cause allies ambushed it =*(Comment by 249967
All you have to do is run up the the buildings (coords above) and right-click the torch in your bag. Instant credit. Ez sauce quest.Comment by 266641
Elite doesn't agro, i fought a mob right under him and he did nothingComment by 97930
MapComment by 150104
Did anyone else think of Zeth'Gor Must Burn! When accepting this quest?Comment by Marloss
I don't see what burning a bridge that goes over a small river, whose water barely goes up to your knees, would do any good in a context of preventing someone from attacking you. Perhaps Sergeant Gorth's way of thinking was something like this: 'If we burn bridge, we drown their legs!'Comment by Allakhazam
When you come to the small bridge, cross it and straight ahead on the left is the Dwelling to burn. On the right is the barracks, bonfire out front with a mob. Go in between the dwelling and the barracks and then take a right to go behind the barracks. A couple mobs wander around. You can then get up to the back of the barracks and burn it. 64.42Comment by Allakhazam
dwelling at 64.41watchtower at 66.40
bridge at 66.39
barracks at 63.40
Comment by Allakhazam
Level 72Money Received: 15s 86c
Experience gained: 15100
Reputation increase: 195 horde expedition
Baleheim Must Burn!
Sergeant Gorth wants you to go to Baleheim and use Gorth's Torch to burn 1 Winterskorn Dwelling, 1 Winterskorn Watchtower, 1 Winterskorn Bridge and 1 Winterskorn Barracks.Winterskorn Dwelling Burned (1) | |
Winterskorn Watchtower Burned (1) | |
Winterskorn Bridge Burned (1) | |
Winterskorn Barracks Burned (1) |
Gorth's Torch (1) |
Killing the Winterskorns maybe not enough. Maybe we burn their houses too! Uh... and their bridges. We should burn whole town to be safe!You take this torch. Go to Baleheim, to the west, and burn EVERYTHING! That teach them good.
You will receive:Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 150 reputation with Horde Expedition
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(11285))
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