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Walter Wager's Quotes
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Born: 1924-09-04
Profession: Novelist
Nation: American
Biography of Walter Wager

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Walter Wager's quote #1
Walter Wager's quote #2
Walter Wager's quote #3
Walter Wager's quote #4

I met an American woman and got married so I had to get a job.

Tags: Job, Woman, Work

I always liked spy stories.

Tags: Liked, Spy, Stories

I keep working under the delusion that someday a library will ask for my manuscripts.

Tags: Keep, Library, Working

I passed the Bar on the first shot, But I have never practiced law.

Tags: Bar, Law, Shot

I use the city because it saves time, I don't have to do a lot of research on the setting.

Tags: City, Research, Time

In France, I learned about wine and cheese.

Tags: Cheese, Learned, Wine

A man is simple when his chief care is the wish to be what he ought to be, that is honestly and naturally human.

Tags: Care, Human, Simple

Humanity lives and always has lived on certain elemental provisions.

Tags: Humanity, Lived, Lives

Simplicity is a state of mind.

Tags: Mind, Simplicity, State
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