See the gallery for tag and special word "Sensitive Issues". You can to use those 8 images of quotes as a desktop wallpapers.
On sensitive issues, talk isn't cheap - it takes real courage to pry open topics nailed shut.
Tags: Courage, Real, Talk ✍ Author: Marvin OlaskyA prime minister has to keep a certain balance when dealing with sensitive issues.
Tags: Balance, Keep, Sensitive ✍ Author: Ehud OlmertWe're talking about the lawyers for the United States of America. And I think it's very, very important that the lawyers be comfortable being very candid and open about their views on very sensitive issues affecting the United States.
Tags: America, Talking, United ✍ Author: Alberto GonzalesI've spent my life navigating through sensitive issues. Not wanting to upset people.
Tags: Issues, Life, Sensitive ✍ Author: Barry McGuigan