See the gallery for tag and special word "Secular". You can to use those 7 images of quotes as a desktop wallpapers.
I tended to emphasize the secular, the casual, the colloquial, the vernacular against the sacred.
Tags: Against, Sacred ✍ Author: David AntinJordan is a very secular, Westernized country in some respects.
Tags: Country, Respects ✍ Author: Kathryn BigelowI now attend non-orthodox synagogues, and study little during the secular week.
Tags: Study, Week ✍ Author: Luke FordThe road to the sacred leads through the secular.
Tags: Road, Sacred ✍ Author: Abraham Joshua HeschelIt was a secular cathedral, dedicated to the rites of travel.
Tags: Dedicated, Travel ✍ Author: Robert HughesThe tunes, rhythms, and messages are drawn mainly from secular culture.
Tags: Culture, Messages ✍ Author: Richard Morris