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Richard Parsons's Quotes
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Born: 1948-04-04
Profession: Businessman
Nation: American
Biography of Richard Parsons

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Richard Parsons's quote #1

I don't think piracy is going to kill the music industry. But digital technology and the ability to download will change the packaging from CDs to a single-based business.

Tags: Business, Change, Music

I was a middle child. I grew up in Brooklyn with three sisters and a brother. You know what that means: everybody is constantly fighting with everybody and you are in the middle of the storm trying to make peace. That is your life. Making everybody work and play well together.

Tags: Life, Peace, Work

My biggest dream for this company is to restore it - to bring Time Warner back to the position that I think it once had and, even better than that, to make it the greatest company in the media and entertainment world.

Tags: Dream, Greatest, Time
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