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Joel Gretsch's Quotes
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Born: 1963-12-20
Profession: Actor
Nation: American
Biography of Joel Gretsch

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Joel Gretsch's quote #1
Joel Gretsch's quote #2
Joel Gretsch's quote #3
Joel Gretsch's quote #4
Joel Gretsch's quote #5

Bad guys are so much fun to play because you can go as far and as wacky as you want.

Tags: Bad, Far, Fun

I know every actor says this, but the people behind the camera are great. They always have answers.

Tags: Actor, Behind, Great

I remember watching Jodie Foster in Contact, and that kind of opened my eyes.

Tags: Eyes, Remember, Watching

I was really interested in meeting Peter Coyote.

Tags: Coyote, Interested, Meeting

I was right for the role. It's as simple as that.

Tags: Role, Simple

I'd love to fly, especially with the gas prices right now.

Tags: Fly, Gas, Love

In some strange way, this was meant to be.

Tags: Meant, Strange

It was always me and the other guy. I came in second for a long time.

Tags: Guy, Second, Time

The possibilities in sci-fi are wonderful. The subject is bigger than everything we know.

Tags: Bigger, Subject, Wonderful

To play a good guy is nice because in a way, he is so open for answers.

Tags: Good, Guy, Nice
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