See the gallery for tag and special word "Formula". You can to use those 8 images of quotes as a desktop wallpapers.
The formula 'Two and two make five' is not without its attractions.
Tags: Five ✍ Author: Fyodor DostoevskyThey say Formula One is a market which it can't be, obviously. Our market is independent, it's a sport.
Tags: Market, Obviously ✍ Author: Christopher EcclestonThere's no formula.
✍ Author: J. K. RowlingIt's a simple formula for me now, I don't play any song I don't want to play.
Tags: Simple, Song ✍ Author: Billy CorganEverything in Formula 1 has been sterilised now, the whole thing is controlled too much.
Tags: Controlled, Whole ✍ Author: Nigel MansellFormula one is very one-dimensional in terms of what we do in the cockpit.
Tags: Cockpit, Terms ✍ Author: Mark Webber