Native Americans are the original inhabitants of the land that now constitutes the United States. They have helped develop the fundamental principles of freedom of speech and separation of powers that form the foundation of the United States Government.
Tags: Freedom, Government, Speech ✍ Author: Joe BacaBeing from Africa is the best thing that could have ever, ever happened to me. I cannot see it any other way. All of my fundamental principles that were instilled in me in my home, from my childhood, are still with me.
Tags: Best, Cannot, Home ✍ Author: Hakeem OlajuwonThings are still in early stages, but one can imagine that as we build up and systematize our theories of these associations, and try to boil them down to their core, the result might point us toward the sort of fundamental principles I advocate.
Tags: Might, Point, Try ✍ Author: David ChalmersConcerns about the size and role of government are what seem to leave reformers stammering and speechless in town-hall meetings. The right wants to have a debate over fundamental principles; elected Democrats seem incapable of giving it to them.
Tags: Giving, Government, Leave ✍ Author: Robert FrankWhat I want to make clear though is that we oppose terrorism in any form. However, any operation against terrorism should be under the framework of the United Nations and follow the fundamental principles of international laws.
Tags: Against, Though, United ✍ Author: Nong Duc Manh