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Child Actor Quotes
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Child Actor quote #1
Child Actor quote #2

Most aspiring child actors or child stars have a passion for it. But as easy as it is for me to say that I wouldn't put my kids in it, if I saw that they really, really wanted to do and they had the drive, then I would fully support it. As long as there's balance at home, then they could do whatever they wanted to do.

Tags: Home, Passion, Put  ✍ Author: Nick Cannon

I was a child actor. I was this spaz kid diagnosed with ADHD, and I worked all the time.

Tags: Actor, Child, Time  ✍ Author: Rio Ferdinand

The hardest thing in acting is going from child actor to adult actor. It's taken me a long time.

Tags: Acting, Child, Time  ✍ Author: Shia LaBeouf

For a child actor, it's a matter of listening, reacting, and being able to put yourself in a new place without being scared.

Tags: Place, Put, Yourself  ✍ Author: Jena Malone

I never dreamed that shooting a film would be so hard. There was less regulation then of child actors' hours. Even the concept of acting confused me.

Tags: Acting, Confused, Hard  ✍ Author: Tatum O\'Neal

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