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Bridget Kelly's Quotes
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Born: 1986-04-08
Profession: Musician
Nation: American
Biography of Bridget Kelly

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Bridget Kelly's quote #1
Bridget Kelly's quote #2

I consider myself a boy in a dress.

Tags: Boy, Consider, Dress

I hate bags. I never carry a bag. I am terrified of bags. I don't want to have to be responsible for that many things at one time.

Tags: Carry, Hate, Time

Paris is a danger for people like me. We spend our rent money in Paris on clothes.

Tags: Danger, Money, Spend

I really pride myself in being able to combine soft and hard characteristics. If I do a leather jacket, then it will be with a really pretty feminine blouse underneath.

Tags: Hard, Pretty, Pride
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Bridget Kelly's quote #2
Bridget Kelly's quote #2
Bridget Kelly's quote #2
Bridget Kelly's quote #2
Bridget Kelly's quote #2
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