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Bob Crosby's Quotes
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Born: 1913-08-23
Profession: Musician
Nation: American
Biography of Bob Crosby

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Bob Crosby's quote #1
Bob Crosby's quote #2

Bing was always hesitant to accept appreciation in any form.

Tags: Accept, Bing, Hesitant

He wanted me to learn to stand on my own feet, and to make it impossible for me to thank him.

Tags: Him, Impossible, Learn

I didn't want people to say his brother Bing sings better than he does.

Tags: Bing, Brother, Sings

I think probably the one trait that would concern me about brother Bing would be his lack of responsibility.

Tags: Brother, Concern, Lack

But just as I was ready to call it quits, I got the necessary money from a third party, who had been instructed by Bing to help me out, without letting me know where the help came from.

Tags: Call, Help, Money
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Bob Crosby's quote #2
Bob Crosby's quote #2
Bob Crosby's quote #2
Bob Crosby's quote #2
Bob Crosby's quote #2
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