Religion Christian Jewish
Gender Girl
Origin Hebrew
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Below is the popularity graph of the name Joana from 1896 to 2023, based on data from the SSA.

Among the SSA compilation of popular girl's names over the past 10 years, the name Joana ranked highest in 2019, at 866th place, and lowest in 2014, at 899th place.

Year Baby Name Rank
2023 890
2022 893
2021 877
2020 870
2019 866

Names with similar meaning: Kind

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Numerology details of name Joana

Numerology Number5
Destiny Number5
Inner Dream Number6
Soul Urge Number
(Heart's Desire or Motivation Number)
Personality Number6
Numerology Calculator

Astrology details of name Joana

NakshatraShravana (Ju, Khi, Je, Khu, Jo, Khe, Gha, Kho)

Personality details of name Joana

Ruling PlanetMercury
Positive NatureOptimistic and makes friends quickly
Negative TraitsCan be bossy and irritating at times
Lucky ColoursLight brown and light green
Lucky DaysWednesday and Friday
Lucky StonesGreen Emerald
Harmony Numbers5, 1, 6, 3
Problematic Numbers4
Best Suited ProfessionsFirefighters and contract builders
Health IssuesKidney and stone problems
What people would generally like about you?Impressive communication skills
What people would generally dislike about you?Does not give value for others opinion

Names Similar to Joana

Aayan, Anay, Ayaan, Aana, Aanya, Anaya, Janaya, Joanna, Ayan, Jeyan