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Welcome to the renovated version of (switched to Drupal, Summer, 2017), which is now phone friendly and database driven allowing us to easily manage content by Bible book and/or topic. Once you get over the shock of the new look, hopefully it will be easier to find all of the resources on a Bible passage or topic of interest (and new resources will be added almost every day). You will also find new search boxes on the right side of most pages, which include various resources such as Wikipedia which has a surprisingly large number of topics related to Christianity, albeit it is best used with a healthy "Acts 17:11+ mindset." And don't overlook the useful English dictionary search box, which is a superb collection of works which will enable you to hone your prose and preaching with polish and precision. Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Theology is also an excellent resource to help solve theological conundrums (review). 

Remember that we have been "bought with a price" to be "ambassadors for Christ" and our "salvation is nearer to us than when we believed" so let us "cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God" "so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming (parousia)." Hallelujah! HosannaMaranathaAmen! (1 Cor 6:20+, 2 Cor 5:20+, Ro 13:11+, 2 Cor 7:1+, 1Jn 2:28+)


(1) Pseudo App for quick access to preceptaustin resources. Click here to for instructions on how to make an icon for your iphone to allow quick access to the site and to the major resource subdivisions. 

(2) Select Preferred Translation - On the right side of each page you can select the Bible version you prefer to display the Scripture popups and that version will be applied to pop ups on every page on the website.  

(3) Select Language - On the right side of each page is the Google translation drop down which allows you to choose from 104 languages currently available. Be aware that Google translate is not geared to theological words, phrases and concepts, so the translation may not be entirely accurate. If you encounter any translations that are overtly erroneous please send me an email. Note that if you select a language on one page, you will see that language on every page of the website. One other feature to note is that if you hold your pointer over a translated section, you will see the original English translation in the popup. 

(4) Links on all 66 books are frequently updated. Note also that if you see a "plus sign" next to a Scripture reference, this indicates that it links to a commentary on that specific passage. For example, if you click on the "+" next to Luke 1:1+ you will go to the commentary on that verse. The "plus sign" has replaced the "-note" designation (which will still be present and function normally on pages that have not been revised). 


I need your help! Since many websites either change their URL (their "address") or cease to exist, links become broken. With hundreds of thousands of links on this site, there are many broken links. Since I do this website by myself, I depend on users reporting broken links. To keep it simple for you, if you find a bad link just copy the link address and send it to me (just put "Bad Link" in subject line and the address or addresses of the broken link or links). If I can find the old address, it will either be replaced or removed. To re-emphasize,  I would greatly appreciate any help you could provide in this area as it is an ongoing project. Thank you in advance for co-laboring for the Lord. May God's grace, mercy and peace be yours in the Spirit, in abundance, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen


(1) On the old site one could access the Collections from a drop down menu at the top of the page which allowed one to select the book of interest. This old drop down menu is now on the right side of the page and is designated "Collections of Commentaries & Sermons" below which is the button labeled "Choose Book of the Bible to Study." Click this tab and you will see a list of hundreds of sermons and commentaries on each book of the Bible. In the old site some of these resources were on a second page, but we are in the process of moving them to one page to facilitate easier access. 

(2) Another way to get to the "Collections of Commentaries & Sermons" is by clicking the Commentaries button (Between "Home" and "Topics") and it will take you to a list of all 66 books. Click on a book of the Bible (e.g., Philippians) and under "Collections" select "Philippians Commentaries" to retrieve a compilation of numerous sermons and commentaries on that book of the Bible. The advantage of this method of navigation is that you will also see a list of Devotionals and Miscellaneous articles that relate to that book of the Bible.

(3) References or Resources associated with Verse Commentaries - On the old site, verse commentaries usually had a Reference Table above the commentary notes which provided links to sermons, commentaries or illustrations related to the verse (See picture of old reference table). The old Reference Table has been replaced by Resources by Chapter which is found at the top of the page (also on right side of page) of each commentary. For example, select Philippians 1:1 Commentary  and notice at the top of the page  is a link to Philippians 1 Resources which presents multiple related resources identical to those found on the old reference table. There is no listing of Resources by Chapter if a Verse by Verse commentary has not been written.

(4) The  Devotionals now update automatically each day. 


Why did we renovate which did not ostensibly seem to be "broken"? Primarily because the HTML coding had become "bloated" and obsolete and it seemed increasingly likely that the web hosting company we were using would soon no longer support Frontpage, our web authoring system, a "technological dinosaur" that was discontinued by Microsoft over 13 years ago! Indeed, given the atrocious HTML source code Frontpage created, it is clear we have been running on God's amazing grace for quite some time! The final straw was when Microsoft withdrew support for Windows XP which is the system needed to run Frontpage.

Clearly whenever one converts more than 2000 web pages to a new format there may be a few "hiccups," so bear with us as we put the finishing touches on the site. And we implore you to please use the Contact Us form to let us know if you have problems, and be sure to include the URL of the problem page. We will respond to all comments and/or complaints.