Healthcare Innovator Prepares Us for Robot Doctors
Arlington, Massachusetts (PRWEB) October 19, 2017 -- The Center for Health Design is offering a special, one-time only presentation by Juhan Sonin, an innovative thinker and speaker on the state and future of healthcare. Entitled "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Robot Doctor", Mr. Sonin charts out the path from the antiquated "sick care" system of today to a quickly-approaching future where the front lines of health will be populated by machines powered by software and artificial intelligence.
"The current primary care process is problematic,” said Mr. Sonin. "We need to make a future appointment that is days, week, or months in the future, in order to have the first line of testing and analysis done. The fact is that, today, it is possible to have passive sensors in our environment that gather many of the key metrics around our health. The process should not be one of, first, feel sick and then wait a long time to determine what is wrong with you. It should be that our machines tell us what is wrong with us before we even feel sick. This is not science fiction; the technology is being developed today.”
Mr. Sonin gains attention from his enthusiastic message and presentation style, but he has become a fixture in healthcare design and innovation because his claims are backed up by real world science and technology.
"As design harnesses digital, materials, and networking technologies, a very new health experience is just over the horizon,” said Jennifer Wilcox, Director of Education for The Center for Health Design.” Juhan’s career spanning technology, health and design, enables him to see the opportunities in the sometimes difficult state of healthcare delivery in the world today. A dramatic shift is coming and Juhan will show our attendees what, and how."
In order to bring this presentation to the widest possible audience, The Center for Health Design is offering it as a live webinar on October 26, 2017 at 11 AM Pacific Time. Mr. Sonin will broadcast in from his Arlington, MA-based healthcare design and innovation firm GoInvo, a company he directs alongside his work as an instructor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This special event is open to everyone. For information on how to sign up for the webinar visit The Center for Health Design web site,
Jonathan Follett, GoInvo,, +1 (617) 356-7087, [email protected]
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