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6y - Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 29 - sarva-bhūta-stham ātmānaḿ sarva-bhūtāni cātmani īkṣate yoga-yuktātmā sarvatra sama-darśanaḥ Word Meanings: sarva-bhūta-stham — situated in all beings; ātmānam — the Supersoul; sarva — all; bhūtāni — entities; ca — also; ātmani — in the Self; īkṣate — does see; yoga-yukta-ātmā — one who is dovetailed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness; sarvatra — everywhere; sama-darśanaḥ — seeing equally. Explanation: Lord Krishna in this verse presents the four-fold divisions of the subsequent results of such a firmly established yogi or one perfected in the science of the individual consciousness attaining communion with the ultimate consciousness. Such a very advanced being has become united with the atma or soul thus perceiving the atma in all beings of multifarious, diverse natures and variegated physical and subtle bodies. This applies from the highest demigod known as Brahma down to an inanimate tree. How is it that such a yogi can perceive his atma existing in all beings and all beings existing in his atma. The words yoga-yuktatma meaning united with the nature of the Brahman or the spiritual substratum pervading all existence, one sees all things with equal vision, without any distinction between them knowing that all forms are veritable products of prakriti or material nature. The purport is such a yogi sees all forms, even his own as manifestation of the Brahman and therefore there is no distinctive difference in his atma and the atma of others. The atma is eternal and pure and distinctly different from the physical body. So firmly adhering to self-realisation such a yogi becomes enlightened in all respects. Yet even the physical bodies are equal as well as they all manifest from the same primordial matter and all have a beginning and an end. So in this way there is no contradiction if the yogi perceives his atma existing in all beings and all beings existing in his atma. | Facebook
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 29 - sarva-bhūta-stham ātmānam sarva-bhūtāni cātmani īksate yoga-yuktātmā sarvatra sama-darśanah Word Meanings: sarva-bhūta-stham situated in all beings; ātmānam the Supersoul; sarva all; bhūtāni entities; ca also; ātmani in the Self; īksate does see; yoga-yukta-ātmā one who is dovetailed in Krsna consciousness; sarvatra everywhere; sama-darśanah seeing equally. Explanation: Lord Krishna in this verse presents the four-fold divisions o
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