
17 Pins
Stipa Tenuissima Grass 3plugs Semi-evergreen Coastal / Seaside Stunning Naturalising Specimen Plant - Etsy Ireland
Stipa tenuissima Grass (3plugs) - Semi-evergreen Coastal / seaside Stunning naturalising specimen plant by RootGarden on Etsy
The garden's low walls are made of gabions, stone-filled metal cages.
The garden's low walls are made of gabions, stone-filled metal cages. by myrtle
10 Easy Pieces: Perennials for the Seaside Garden - Gardenista
new dawn at salt timber, gardenista. pest-resistant roses that love bad soil and almost no water: Dorothy Perkins, Memorial Rose, or my favorite, New Dawn.. All I do to achieve the profusion shown here is to fertilize my New Dawn once in the spring, and water only in the worst droughts. they do grow fast. New Dawn is available from Antique Rose Emporium; $18.95.
Miquel Tres | Focus on garden - Fine Photography
Landscaped drainage channel. Love the grasses.
Nu kan du börja gödsla - Lykkans Designträdgårdar AB
Boxwoods and artemesia( ?) or another flowering plant that gives this beautiful contrast!
Garden Design Portfolio | Greenlee & Associates
love the grouping and texture contrast (just wish we had a costal view to work with)
Showy Shade Garden Ideas
"Ferns have long been used next to Hostas, because their fine foliage contrast with the broad, smooth leaves of the Hostas."