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3 Sections
Kapha - how to balance in winter
In late winter, Kapha season starts. The cold and wet qualities of this season start to accumulate and aggravate Kapha. Kapha is grounded, steady, solid, … and when out of balance it becomes lazy, stubborn and unmoving. How to balance Kapha in winter is what you'll read in this article.
Vata balancing masterclass
If you’re a Vata dominant person or you have a Vata imbalance, you might want to transition to a Vata balancing regimen in fall/autumn, when Vata season starts... If that’s you (or you’re living with a Vata and want to gain some insight), sign up for my Vata dosha masterclass! In this training you'll learn: how to recognise a Vata (body + mind qualities), Vata imbalances, honouring your Vata digestion, how to nourish Vata, how to balance Vata dosha with exercise and lifestyle.
Workout tips for Vata dosha — Fitness and Ayurveda – |Prana
During this time, the planet — and our bodies — are subject to multiple physical changes due to the increase in temperature and moisture.  The warmer weather and protagonistic role of the water element make spring the right time to plant and grow.  Quite literally.  Since we should adjust our diet and lifestyle at the start of every season, I want to introduce you to effective Ayurvedic Tips for Spring to help you welcome this wonderful time of year.  And provide you with the knowledge you need to survive and thrive in it.
During this time, the planet — and our bodies — are subject to multiple physical changes due to the increase in temperature and moisture. The warmer weather and protagonistic role of the water element make spring the right time to plant and grow. Quite literally. Since we should adjust our diet and lifestyle at the start of every season, I want to introduce you to effective Ayurvedic Tips for Spring to help you welcome this wonderful time of year. And provide you with the knowledge you need to survive and thrive in it.
Understanding Kapha dosha for beginners
What is Kapha Dosha? What does it mean to "be a Kapha"? This article tells you everything you need to know to understand Kapha dosha better. Learn about the ancient healing practice of Ayurveda and understand yourself better.
Everything you need to know about Kapha Diet!
Pitta Dosha Diet
Congrats on taking the first step to improving your health! I think you will love this free ayurvedic meal plan for Pitta. #ayurveda #ayurvedicmealplan #pittamealplan #pittadoshadiet #pittadosha #ayurvedicrecipes