
114 Pins
@Jkdiseños on Instagram: "Tutorial facilisimo,en esta ocasión presentamos está idea de Tote bags 👜 un modelo diferente y genial 🫡#tutorial #emprendedores #miartiideascreativas #jkdiseños #bolsos #costura"
@Jkdiseños on Instagram: "Tutorial facilisimo,seguimos con las bolsas grandes de dama elegantes y facil de hacer aquí estamos para ayudarte #tutorial #jkdiseños"
Rihan on Instagram: "Tutorial and size of big round bun Part 106 Follow My Page Instagram @bilochpuratips2 Follow My Page Instagram @bilochpuratips2 . . . . . . . . . #sewing #sewingdiy #costura #fashion #bilochpuratips2 #sewinglove #sewingmachine #instagram #Facebook #youtube #discover #trending #sewingtips #tips #diy #threads #dailysewing #handmade #handcraft #handmadediy #october Thanks For Watching My Posts ,Reels , Text, Links Etc. BILOCHPURATIPS 2"
Ae PooiM on Instagram: "DIY Crossbody bag - Sewing projects! Learn more: Watch full video version with measurement detail on my youtube channel "Ae PooiM" as link in Bio Or copy and paste the address below into your browser to check it out here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYIA5dAV_x4 #diy #howto #reel #diybag #fabricbag #reelvideo #sewingbag"
Moni Malene on Instagram: "Jeanie #couture #gabarit #faitmain #diy #passioncouture #sewing #template #handmade #doityourself #coutureaddict #sewingproject #gabaritcouture #artisanat #creatif #sewcialists #sewingpatterns #coudre #sewist #couturefemme #tuto #sewingtips #couturedebutant #makersgonnamake #fashiondesigner #sewinglove #couturesurmesure #couturetuto #sewingcommunity #patroncouture #sewsewsew"
Costura | Corte | Diseño on Instagram: "🔻Dale clic a 👉@trucos.rapidos.costura 📍👈 para unirte a la mejor comunidad de costúrelas 🧵❤️ @trucos.rapidos.costura 🧵 #costura #cursodecostura #tejer #hiloyaguja #tipsdecostura #emprende #negocio #trucosdecosturada #diseñodemoda #cierre #ropa"
Stella Hoff - Costura Criativa on Instagram: "Costure uma bolsa sanfonada sem viés e super fácil, já me segue aqui para mais aulas de costura criativa! Usei tecidos @stellahofftecidos Aula completa tá no meu canal, digita lá: Bolsa Sanfonada Stella Hoff que aparece! Eai, gostou? Vai fazer a sua? #costuracriativa #costuracreativa #ilovesewing #sewingproject #auladecostura #costurar"
Clothing Brilliant Shop on Instagram: "How to sew denim hobo bag tutorial #project #shorts #diy #sewinghacks #sewing #clothing #tipsandtricks #making #tbt #tricks #short #foryou #tips #jeansbag #handbag #bag #recycle #uk #usa #London #Newyork #clothingbrilliant.shop"
Svetlana Skumanicova on Instagram: "Do you want to learn how to turn a pair of favorite, but no longer wearable, pair of jeans into a stylish tote bag? Then check out my FREE YouTube video. All the cutting measurements and step by step Instructions are provided in the video. Enjoy 😊. Find the link to the video in my profile. #learntosew #sewing #sewingvideo #isewbags #upcycle #sewingtutorial #freesewingvideos #sotakhandmade"
Dani Delinski on Instagram: "a gente costura e é tão feliz né? Costure! Material: Soft Color @lojadanidelinski Www.Lojadanidelinski.Com.Br #costura #costuracriativa #costurar #costureira #costureiras #sewing #artesã #artesanato #artesanal #artesanatocriativo #bolsaspersonalizadas #facavocemesmo"
@Jkdiseños on Instagram: "Tutorial facilisimo monedero de dama #jkdiseños #tutorial #emprendedores síguenos para más videos tutoriales 👍"
Ae PooiM on Instagram: "DIY Tote Bag - Sewing projects! Learn more: Watch full video version with measurement detail on my youtube channel “Ae PooiM” as link in Bio Or copy and paste the address below into your browser to watch it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPba0UmjBzY #diy #howto #fabricbag #sewing #sewingbag #lovesewing #totebag #easysewing #sewingtips #aepooim"
Elaine Salete | Costura Criativa on Instagram: "Como reduzir a largura da alça usando retalhos de sintético? 💡✂️ Não esquece de salvar esse vídeo para não perder essa dica! #atelieelainesalete #costuracriativa #dicadecostura #costura"
Svetlana Skumanicova on Instagram: "Let’s make a Montana Tote, shall we? I’m totally in love with this stylish everyday bag featuring spacious zipper pockets, a set of slip pockets, and the most wonderful completely enclosed zipper closure. Link to the pattern is in my profile. Check out a free video tutorial on my YouTube channel, link is in my profile. Happy weekend, everyone! #sotakhandmade #sewingpatterns #learntosew #sewingvideo #montanatoto #handmadebag #bagineer"