
329 Pins
Follow Me, The Disciples Follow Jesus, Open and Go Lesson and Craft
This early elementary grade for a lesson about Jesus calling the disciples includes printable lessons, open and go, cut and paste activities and more! Using the scripture for the third Sunday after Epiphany, Matthew 4:12-23, you and your child(ren) or students will explore the lesson using hands on activities, crafts and worksheets. This is great for children PreK through Third Grade. Includes: About this Unit How to use this lesson Vocabulary words Vocabulary definitions Follow Me Bad
Jesus feeds 5000 and Calms the Storm
In Mark, we learn about how Jesus feeds 5000 people AND calms a storm. Neither of these miracles are something we're used to seeing. Watch the Bible lesson for kids age 2 all the way to 5th grade and complete one of these crafts that goes along with the story.
The Fishermen (Jesus' Disciples Activity) - Kids Korner
The Fishermen (Jesus' Disciples Activity) - Kids Korner - BibleWise