Asshai Beyond the Shadow

Asshai is a port city, located in the far south-east of the Essos continent on the Jade Sea at the entrance to its eastern exit, the Saffron Straits. Asshai on the southernmost edge of a mountainous peninsula known as the Shadow Lands, thus the city is often called as Asshai-by-the-Shadow and to go to Asshai can be described as to "pass beneath the shadow". Asshai is a popular trading destination for ships in the Jade Sea, and it exports such goods as amber and dragonglass.
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A Game of Clothes
The acolytes of the Temple of R’hllor wear orange and yellow and only red when they become a priest or priestess, Bottega Veneta
everything asoiaf
A warlock from Asshai, Asshai’i are described as having a solemn appearance. It is rumored the spellsingers, aeromancers & warlocks practice their arts openly in Asshai. (Mikael Jansson photography)
A Game of Clothes
What Temple prostitute of R’hllor would wear. The Temple of R’hllor buys children and make them into Priests and Priestess or Temple prostitutes and warriors.
A Game of Clothes
What an acolyte of the Temple of R’hllor would wear, Matthew Williamson
"Magical Thinking": Asia Chow, Liu Wen, and Xiao Wen Ju by Tim Walker for W Magazine
Merchant Queen of Asshai
A Game of Clothes
What a priestess of R’hllor would wear, Lorenzo Riva
everything asoiaf
Clothing for a warlock, spellsinger, or shadowbinder who practice their arts openly in Asshai.