
407 Pins
Culy Homemade: aubergine-omelet met sojasaus en rijst
Culy Homemade: aubergine-omelet met sojasaus en rijst
Culy Homemade: pasta met rokerige auberginesaus en walnoten -
Culy Homemade: pasta met rokerige auberginesaus en walnoten -
Andrea Agudelo on Instagram: "TOP 5 RECETAS FAVORITAS DEL 2024 🌟 Estas berenjenas al horno están en el puesto 2 de las recetas que más les gustaron este año. Amo la berenjena y esta es posiblemente mi nueva forma favorita de prepararlas. Me gustó tanto que hice la misma mezcla para otros vegetales (brócoli y zucchini) y amé también. Necesitas: - 1 berenjena grande - 3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva - 2 cucharadas de ajonjolí - 2 cucharadas de parmesano - Sanozador italiano (orégano, albahaca, romero) utilizó el de @badia_colombia - Sal y pimienta al gusto Para la salsa: - 2 cucharadas de tahini - 1 cucharadita de yogurt griego - 1/4 cucharadita miel - Sal - Zumo de 1/2 limón - 1/4 cucharadita ajo - 2 cucharadas de agua (aproximadamente)"
Wayne Shen on Instagram: "Trending sweet & sour eggplant recipe in China. Do u want to try? #recipe #cooking #chinesefood #eggplant #vegetables"
Indiase baingan bharta (goddelijke puree van rokerige aubergines)
Indiase baingan bharta (goddelijke puree van rokerige aubergines)
Afghaanse auberginestoof: borani banjan
Culy Homemade: Afghaanse auberginestoof: borani banjan
Amelia Ferrier on Instagram: "CARAMELISED PISTACHIO EGGPLANT with smooth hummus & sticky maple garlic glaze, using the new @lisashummusnz Smooth Hummus. Think melt-in-your-mouth roasted eggplant, a crunchy pistachio topping, and the creamy hummus. Find the recipe below! Xx Pistachio Crusted Eggplant: 2 small eggplants, cut into rounds 3 Tbsp each maple syrup & olive oil 1 Tbsp each miso paste & pomegranate molasses ½ cup (75g) pistachios, coarsely ground 1 tsp each cumin seeds & chilli flakes Zest of ½ medium lemon 2 cloves garlic, finely grated Maple Garlic Glaze: ¼ cup maple syrup 1 Tbsp each pomegranate molasses & fresh lemon juice 1 clove garlic, finely grated To Serve: 1 punnet Lisa’s Smooth Hummus 50g feta cheese, crumbled (optional) Fresh dill & chives, to garnish Preheat your o
‎Udi Barkan - Chef | Nutritionist | Recipes - אודי ברקן‎ on Instagram‎: "ARAYES EGGPLANT AND TUNA 🥙🍆🔥 ‎ עברית בתגובה הראשונה Welcome back to our CAMPING SERIES! For episode 4, I’m diving into a CAMPING STYLE twist on an Arabic classic—ARAYES! Ingredients (Serves 4): - 4 pita breads, halved - 2 grilled eggplants (or 200g canned grilled eggplant) - Small bunch of chopped green onions - 200g canned tuna in olive oil - 1 tsp curry powder - 1 tsp salt - 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper - ½ cup chopped peanuts - Olive oil For Tahini-Yogurt Sauce: - ½ cup tahini - 1 cup plain yogurt - 1 tsp salt - 1 tsp turmeric For Serving: - Chopped hot chili pepper - Olive oil Preparation: - Prepare the Filling: In a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients for the arayes filling, except the pita breads. M
Gestoomde aubergine - Food and Friends
Gestoomde aubergine - Food and Friends
@easyvegan4u on Instagram: "💞🤩"GET NEW VEGAN COOKBOOK - Over 200+ Delicious Vegan Recipes Including 30-day Meal Plans" =>> LINK IN BIO 🔗 @easyvegan4u MISO GLAZED EGGPLANT 🍆 By @Fitgreenmind RECIPE (3 servings, 40min prep time): -2 eggplants Cut in wedges. -4 Tbsp miso paste -3 Tbsp maple syrup or agave syrup -4 Tbsp (sesame) oil -salt to taste -1 Tbsp white wine or rice vinegar Mix, add to the wedges and fully coat them with it. -optional: sesame seeds. Dip one side of the wedges in sesame and place on a baking tray. Bake at 200C/400F for 25-30mins but flip halfway through. Peanut sauce: -2 Tbsp peanut butter -1 Tbsp soy sauce -1 Tbsp vinegar -1 Tbsp agave or maple syrup -optional add ins: ginger, garlic, sriracha Mix until creamy. Serve with the eggplant. Comment "😍" if you want
Inge Putker - Lactosevrije recepten & tips 🍦✨ on Instagram: "BABA GANOUSH MET ZA’ATAR & GEPOFTE KNOFLOOK 🧄🍆 Heb je wel eens een baba ganoush met za’atar geproefd!? Za’atar is een kruidenmix uit het Midden-Oosten en heeft als hoofdingrediënt wilde oregano. En dat is écht super lekker! 🤤 Nieuwsgierig naar het verse pita recept? Die komt morgen online 💛 Traditionele baba ganoush is trouwens altijd lactosevrij. Ingrediënten – dip voor 4 personen 4 aubergines 60 ml tahini 45 ml olijfolie 1 bol knoflook 1 citroen 1 el za’atar Paprikapoeder Verse peterselie Peper & Zout Recept Verwarm de oven voor op 200 graden. Prik rondom gaatjes in de aubergines met een vork. Bekleed een bakplaat met bakpapier en leg hier de aubergines op. Schuif voor 60 minuten in de oven. Snij de top van de kn
Janneke | makkelijke & verrassende recepten on Instagram: "AUBERGINE MET PINDASAUS & KOKOSRIJST 🍆 Voor 2 personen: ▫️ 2 aubergines ▫️ 100 gr basmatirijst ▫️ 250 ml kokosmelk ▫️ 2 el pindakaas ▫️ 1 el ketjap ▫️ 1 el limoensap ▫️ 1 tl sriracha ▫️ 1 teen knoflook ▫️ 1/2 rode peper ▫️ 20 gr pinda’s ▫️ Verse koriander 1. Snijd enkele dunne ringen van de rode peper. Snijd de knoflook en de rest van de rode peper fijn. Snijd de aubergines in stukken. 2. Kook de rijst in 250 ml kokosmelk en 100 ml water. Roer regelmatig door. Kook het verder volgens de aanwijzing op de verpakking, want het aantal minuten is verschillend per rijstsoort. Voeg indien nodig extra water toe. Breng op smaak met zout. 3. Verhit een flinke scheut olijfolie in een koekenpan. Bak de aubergine op hoog vuur totdat he
‎آشپزی|کیک|دسر|شیرینی‎ on Instagram‎: "اگر بادمجون دوست نداری حتما ذخیره ش کن 👉 چون بعد از خوردن این مدل بادمجون دیوونه ی طعمو مزه ش میشی @ghazal.cheff @ghazal.cheff 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆 بادمجون دلمه ای بزرگ ۲ عدد گوشت چرخ کرده۳۵۰ گرم پیاز ۱ عدد سیر ۲ حبه روغن زیتون ۳ ق غ بادمجون ها رو از وسط نصف کنین مانند فیلم کنار بادمجون تو تا چوب قرار داده این چوبها برای جلوگیری از قطعِ احتمالیِ برش هاست بعد از ۸ تا برش چوب را برداشته و آخرین برش تا انتها قطع کنین و بادمجون جدا بشه از بقیه ی بادمجون آنها را تا زمانی که سس را درست میکنین در آب و نمک فرار دهید پیاز و سیر رنده شده نمک و فلفلو روغن زیتون را به گوشت چرخ کرده اضافه کنین و از مواد گوشتی لا به لای برشهای بادمجون را پر کنین حالا در تابه کره را ذوب کرده و ۱ ق غ رب به آن اضافه کنین نمک و فلفل و یک لیوان آب به آن اضافه کرد
628K views · 7.3K reactions | These Hasselback Aubergines are the ultimate flavour-packed centerpiece 🌱 Baked in a rich tomato and harissa ragu, these hasselback aubergines become super tender and are bursting with flavour. While this recipe looks impressive, it’s surprisingly simple to make and perfect for sharing with friends and family. To balance the richness, we love serving it with steamed tenderstem broccoli or a fresh, crispy green salad. For the aubergines:
3 aubergines
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon za’atar
125ml olive oil
pinch of sea salt
 For the tomato ragu:
1 small red onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 teaspoons paprika
1 tablespoon harissa paste
1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes
1 tablespoon tomato purée
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
drizzle of olive oil
drizzle of tahini (optional)
handful of basil, roughly chopped
pinch of sea salt

For the topping:
2 slices good-quality sourdough bread
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
35g almonds, roughly chopped
pinch of sea salt
 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C fan / 390°F. To prepare the aubergine, slice thinly widthways, stopping about 2cm from the bottom so that they hold together; place on a large baking tray. 2. In a small bowl, combine the paprika, cumin, za’atar, olive oil and a generous pinch of salt. Pour over the aubergines and use a pastry brush to spread the mixture in between the slices. Place the tray in oven and cook for 40–45 minutes, until tender. 3. To make the tomato ragu, warm the olive oil in a shallow casserole dish set over medium heat. Add the onion, garlic and a pinch of salt; cook for 5–10 minutes until softened. Stir in the paprika, harissa, tomatoes, tomato purée and vinegar; half fill the empty tin with water and pour this in too. Bring to a simmer; cook for 15–20 minutes until rich and glossy. 4. To make the topping, place all of the topping ingredients in a food processor and blitz until you have chunky breadcrumbs. 5. Once the aubergines are cooked, remove from the oven and transfer to the casserole dish; scatter over the breadcrumbs. Place in the oven and cook for 5–10 minutes until golden. Serve with a drizzle of tahini and fresh basil. | Deliciously Ella
628K views · 7.3K reactions | These Hasselback Aubergines are the ultimate flavour-packed centerpiece 🌱 Baked in a rich tomato and harissa ragu, these hasselback aubergines become super tender and are bursting with flavour. While this recipe looks impressive, it’s surprisingly simple to make and perfect for sharing with friends and family. To balance the richness, we love serving it with steamed tenderstem broccoli or a fresh, crispy green salad. For the aubergines: 3 aubergines 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon za’atar 125ml olive oil pinch of sea salt For the tomato ragu: 1 small red onion, finely chopped 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 teaspoons paprika 1 tablespoon harissa paste 1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes 1 tablespoon tomato purée 1 tablespoon balsamic vine