Painting Projects

14 Pins
Lighten Wood With Bar Keepers Friend? YES!
I notice when I use Bar Keepers Friend Cleanser on raw wood… it actually lightens it up! After some looking into it, the main ingredient in BKF is Oxalic acid (which is a bleaching agent). In the past, I’ve used diluted clothing bleach to lighten wood but there’s a few factors in that technique I didn’t like. First, if it’s not a warm day to let clothing bleach on wood bask in the sun or a hair drier to use, it takes forever. Second, I’ve noticed that it makes the wood very dry aft…
Hands Down the Best Refinishing Furniture Guide to Learn How to Makeover Furniture
Hand Down the Best Refinishing Furniture Beginners Guide
Hands Down the Best Refinishing Furniture Guide to Learn How to Makeover Furniture
Yes! Paint Over Stained Wood without Sanding
How to painted stained cabinets and furniture WITHOUT SANDING OR STRIPPING! #paintfurniture #paintcabinets #stainedwood #porchdaydreamer
When Bonding Primer is a Must Before Painting
When painting difficult surfaces like tile, laminate, polyurathane, plastic, metal and stained wood bonding primer is a must! Learn about the BEST option Valspar Bonding Primer with tips how to use it. #bondingprimer #paintingtile #paintingpaneling #paintingcabinets #paintingstain #paintingplastic #paintingmetal #porchdaydreamer
Yes! Use a Paint Sprayer INSIDE to Paint Furniture
How I transformed this large stained wood entertainment center with a HVLP Paint Sprayer. Step by step instructions how to paint furniture with a paint sprayer.
NO-SAND Method: Painting Kitchen Cabinets
This no-sand kitchen cabinet painting tutorial is for ANY type of cabinets that were previously stained, coated with polyurethane OR painted.