Wood Chip Landscaping

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playscapes: Spiral Garden, Palo Alto CA, Curtis Tom, 2006
Palo Alto, CA - natural log stumps used to create a spiral garden for kids to play one & around. Eco & budget friendly and kids would have a blast with it.
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Natural Woodland School Playground wooden play equipment - simple balance beam
Building a Wood Chip Path and a Raised Garden Bed | D'oh!-I-Y
How to build a wood chip path in your garden this spring
Opinion? Gravel or wood chips?
Opinion? Gravel or wood chips? Looks like wood chips win.... I'm putting in wood chips. Weeds will come up through the chips if you don't use some sort of barrier. I use newspaper, two sheets thick, well overlapped and soaked. It'll last long enough to kill the grass underneath.. Wood chips are also easy on the feet and knees!
Home - The Owner-Builder Network
It's amazing what you can do with one fallen tree and a chainsaw isn't it? Most of us look at a fallen tree and see firewood. But wait! This gallery shows you why you shouldn't burn those logs: http://theownerbuildernetwork.co/suwp Burn a log and it’s gone forever! Firewood? We don’t think so!
A quick guide to: bark and wood chippings David Domoney
Pathway of wood chippings