jack davison

9 Pins
a woman holding a knife and fork in front of an assortment of utensils
Jack Davison shoots a surreal dinner party for Luncheon magazine
a woman's face is seen through a glass vase
Jack Davison Arresting & Natural Portraits Showing Us The Unguarded Moments
Jack Davison - Arresting & Natural Portraits showing us the unguarded moments
two hands holding balls above a man's head wearing a red sweater and white pants
Fashion Ceremony - purple MAGAZINE
photography by JACK DAVISON style by VANESSA REID
black and white photograph of a person's hand reaching for something
Jack Davison Photography
Le photographe anglais Jack Davison a parcouru 26 Etats d’Amérique pour prendre des portraits très forts de personnes ou de villes, le plus souvent en noir et blanc. Avec un sens excellent de la composition et un grain délicat, il ajoute des motifs surréalistes en juxtaposant des yeux sur des mains ou en effaçant des visages, de manière abstraite. Un beau travail jouant sur les ombres et reflets, à découvrir.
a man standing on top of a red fire hydrant in front of a wall
A Fashion Editorial Portraying A Vague Vision Of Shanghai - IGNANT
the new york times magazine cover featuring a man with a hat on it's head
Great Performers: The Portraits (Published 2016)
The year’s best actors — including Krisha Fairchild, Taraji P. Henson, Emma Stone and Denzel Washington — channel classic film-noir looks and scenarios for a series of photographs.
an empty plate with two eggs and some wine glasses
jackdavisonphoto @luncheonmagazine