For my Skin

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Glam In You | Get Rid Of Dark Spots & Pigmentation💯 #reels #reelsinstagram #reelsinsta #reelsvideo #reelkarofeelkaro #reelitfeelit #bodyscrub... | Instagram
My mixture for moisture: 1 cup Bottled Water, rose or lilac water, 1/2 cup Aloe Vera juice (Lilly of desert), and or 1/3 vegetable glycerine and 5 - 8 drops rosemary oil. Smells sooo good!!
Natural Face Wash with 4 Ingredients - LIFE'S A PEARL
Recently I’ve been upping my homemade skin care routine with some new recipes. Check out this natural face wash with only 4 ingredients plus essential oils that can be customized for your skin type! Get the recipe at Life’s A Pearl. #lifesapearl #naturalliving #personalcare #naturalbeauty #diyrecipe #essentialoils #facewash #facecleanser #skincare
How to Make DIY Face Oil with All-Natural Ingredients
Learn how to make natural face oil suitable for all skin types. It is a simple-to-make homemade face oil for glowing skin recipe that will leave your skin hydrated and moisturized while reducing signs of aging and fine lines. Homemade Body Lotion & Body Butter Recipes to try yourself.