hoodoo Sigil

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(44) King Solomon Seals (use with great caution - elementals) ....Keywords: Alchemy, Witchcraft, Magick, wicca. occult, pagan interest.
MY Opalraines Production..compiled 91 Sigils.Aplhabetically for quick acess in BOS. page 3 of 6
Some have the idea that to practice magic, you have to be particularly talented, or have spent decades honing the craft. In truth, magic is a lot like water. We all have it, but we must spend time purifying it. That said, sigils are an easy way for magic to be practiced, even for the most mundane of us.
Sigil Magick. Manifestation . Witchcraft . Book of Shadows . Pagan
How to Make Your Own Personal Sigils
How to Make Your Own Personal Sigils Imagine putting a magical intention into an object. Why would you do that? Wiccans do this because they want the object to hold power to help them realize a personal desire. For example, you may be job hunting and you want the power of the object—in this case, a sigil—to assist you to get the ideal job.