Reincarnation - Past lives

Space and time are illusions that hold us to the physical realm; in the spirit realm, all is present simultaneously. (Beverly Brodsky)
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John Jude Palencar - Impossible Things ---"To look back to antiquity is one thing, to go back to it is another." - Charles Caleb Colton
Do you remember all those seeds you planted into your dreams? into the lives of others? Into a business that continues to struggle? Don't give up! SHAKE THE TREE!!
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Your thoughts & words + the emotions associated with them are creating your "life" at every minute. So today....Create an INCREDIBLE day for yourself. Think on those things that bring you Joy, Love, Laughter, Compassion, & Abundance. GO FOR IT!! 9/14/12 ~ Join me on FB
Mara Lorenzini - La nascita del silenzio (2010) ---"Within the heart of every man/woman is the all-consuming desire for happiness." - Dr. Adrian Finkelstein (from "Your Past Lives and the Healing Process") .....(That is what drives us on to heal and resolve the pain of the past. -EM)
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- Brian Tracy
•Although I believe in reincarnation, as many people do that live in the East, I do not remember my past lives clearly; I only wish I did.~ Gerald Gardner
Pascal Roy ---"Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely." - Auguste Rodin
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Receive the Boon of Darkness, As you would the Boon of Light, Hold no preference for either, Make ally with None. Suspend endless opinion and judgement, Allow the recognition that you are neither, Let the transparent Womb-Eye See, The totality of spectrum, Oscillate spontaneously, In the unfathomable glass-mansion, Of the vastness of Being - Annu Tara